[Stable Update] 2023-10-04 - Kernels, Systemd, LibreOffice, NVIDIA, Mesa, GNOME, AMDVLK

After this update I was unable to start Gnome Terminal. The reason was a locale error: locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory. Upon further investigation, I found that for some strange reason the en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8 line was commented out in the /etc/locale-gen file, and the de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8 line was uncommented instead. I don’t know German and have no interest in this locale. Fixed this and ran the sudo locale-gen command to regenerate the locales.


Update partially broke notifications on my i3wm install. At least in a sense that numerous my custom scripts have relied on dunst daemon and dunstify command to handle notifications. Notifications from other apps were shown, but were themed differently than before the update.

I was able to determine that xfce4-notifyd service took over the notifications, and only one service may be used to handle the notifications. So the dunst service did not start properly.

I have stopped xfce4-notifyd and started dunst service:

systemctl stop --user xfce4-notifyd.service
systemctl start --user dunst.service
systemctl enable --user dunst.service

My attempt to simply disable xfce4-notifyd service failed (something about service file being a hardlink and/or having no installation instructions). So have I simply removed the package:

pamac remove xfce4-notifyd xfce4-power-manager

xfce4-power-manager has to go as well, because for some reason it explicitly depends on xfce4-notifyd (not on notification-daemon in general). So to remove xfce4 notification daemon, you need to remove xfce4 power manager. I am not using it either way, so this solution seems fine to me.

Hi there,
My USB3 HDD drive can’t be mounted after the update to kernel 6.1.55-1.
The message is:
“wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdx, missing codepage or helper program, or other error”

It works perfectly fine on kernel 5.4.257-1 and the previous version of kernel 6.1 though.

Thank you.

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During finishing the update yesterday evening, my machine automatically restarted (evtl. crashed, I don’t know). I was a bit worried, but after the restart everything seems to work well yesterday evening. Today morning also everything was fine first.

But then, when leaving the computer a few minutes alone and getting back, I noticed that I was logged out from Gnome. I was wondering, because I disabled this functionality.

After logging in again, my desktop settings were gone. All extensions are disabled.
Many programs are not starting anymore now.

When trying to start brave or chromium for example I get the error:

libva error: vaGetDriverNames() failed with unknown libva error

Not sure what to do now.

Seemed to go as smoothly as usual, but as the messages scrolled up my screen I noticed (but didn’t have time to make a note of) something about a syslinux BIOS setup script that I think needed to be run.

Does anyone know what this is and if it’s needed? I’m not even sure what syslinux is.


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Sorry, this is absolutely not helping. You did not read my post as well. My kernel is running.

I was able to trigger the problem down to the gnome keyring. Somehow the behaviour changed after the update. I had to disable the keyring again , so that everything works again.

I had the same problem. The second, third and fourth disk, (ntfs) could not be mounted anymore in dolphin. The workaround was to install ntfs-automount (AUR).

I would think this is also related to my post above about mounting an encfs mount on a ntfs drive. Or at least, it would make logical sense the two are related. Basically something needed whitelisting in libfuse around NTFS and it looks like that was merged in so I would think shortly this would get fixed here

Wild guess here, but maybe it had to do with the default password hashing algorithm change? See the ‘2023-10-04’ part in the “Known Issues and Solutions” post right underneath the announcement.

I can imagine a keyring using encryption and probably some hashing as well. If it hashes its data using the default algorithm and after the Manjaro Stable update it then has a different hashing algorithm, then during validation check against the hashed data, it will fail that check (and probably give errors).
But like I said, wild guess…

So sad that still the newest nvidia driver keeps flickering and let us high refresh TFT user’s abandonded in the dust and this since April :face_with_spiral_eyes:

A post was split to a new topic: Issue with crowdsec after this up date

The issue you are looking for is : https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules/issues/511

Where its confirmed by Nvidia driver devs ( tagged Collaborator ).

See here for temp. solution : [Stable Update] 2023-08-29 - Kernels, Mesa, Deepin, Firefox, KDE Gear & Frameworks, Nvidia, Budgie - #8 by Teroh

No, because I have not changed anything to the theme or to any widgets, and I’m still running with the same configuration now.

The solution was to clear out ~/.cache, which suggests that Plasma 5.27.8 corrupts its own cache from time to time. Well, either Plasma itself or the KDE Frameworks currently in use.

syslinux is a Linux boot loader for use on floppy disks and other removable media with a FAT-based filesystem. :arrow_down:


So not needed for a system that just boots from “proper” filesystems? I wonder why it’s installed by default.

I’m guessing it would have been installed as a dependency, possibly of something you no longer have installed.

After updating, curl and uzerbug stoped working.
I thought something was off, but I rebooted and everything worked back.
Now gallery-dl doesn’t work, and I got this error
Failed to extract Cryptodome/Cipher/_ARC4.abi3.so: decompression resulted in return code -1!
I’ve been using the same binaries of gallery-dl so the the updated caused the issue reverting back solved it.
Still not sure what package caused it, even latest gallery-dl binaries with all dependencies packaged in gave the same issue.

Hmm strange, how old is your Manjaro KDE install? Mine is 3,1 years old btw

I use Max Performance since a few month now, but its a really bad work around because my GPU Output draw on idle is 50 Watt now instead 10 Watt.

I don’t have to reapply max performance after restart btw.

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Mine’s about 4.5 years. I installed this system late April 2019. But I’ve cleaned out ~/.cache many times already over the years. It is after all only cache, and therefore, there is nothing in there that cannot be recreated again.

I even still have the original installer image — Manjaro 18.0.4 Illyria — on a DVD, for archeological purposes. :stuck_out_tongue:


a little bit confused how could this happen, but it seems like after this update my systemd-journal was kind of nuked and empty and wasn’t “persistent” anymore. Then again, I never set it to persistent, but it was “auto” since beginning of installation 4 years ago, but it was auto(matically) persistent until this update? and now it’s not anymore? ( /etc/systemd/journald.conf is still older than this update and with date 17.Jun.2022 – and with the original #Storage=auto line there. )

edit: Mystery solved. Apparently KDE/Qt is so badly programmed, that by default it just spams --user log full of utter BS, so the entire 4GB systemd/journal got filled with it in 2 days, leaving the impression that the previously existed half year logs were just reset at some point, instead they were wiped out because of journal size limit because of the KDE spamminess :man_facepalming:
Fix was to add: QT_LOGGING_RULES="*.debug=false;*.info=false;*.warning=false" into /etc/environment. Additionally to reduce new spämminess introduced to journal by Wayland (compared to X11), adding WINEDEBUG=-all to the same file helped to reduce a massive amount also.

So the incident didn’t have to do anything with this update, but with me swapping XFCE/X11 to KDE/Wayland just hours before this update landing.