[Stable Update] 2023-07-10 - Kernels, Plasma, Gnome, LibreOffice, Pipewire, Mozilla, Wine

They can go back to the gtk3 version of pamac.
Installing an ugly libadwaita for one application is unacceptable.
pacman -S pamac-gtk3


This is not the worst update ever, because it doesn’t update and therefore destroy anyting. (funny? not really)

But it also does nothing, it even won’t update the firefox+language packages.

The update won’t run, because “some files are missing”. :frowning:

I tried sudo pacman -Syyu but no updates were found whatsoever. And I’m still on systemd 253.4 so I know I haven’t gotten the updates yet…

Edit: resolved itself

After installing gtk3, and removing pamac, the glitches stopped. Thank you!


pacman -S pamac-gtk3
The glitches have stopped

Something of a nasty affecting my Plasma autostarts. Everything that tries to open a window (or otherwise interact with X, such as setxkbmap commands) is failing with the same messages:

Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
Cannot open display ":0.0"

The solution I posted here turns out to be invalid, so I’ve create a support post

Im updated the mirrors and even try to refresh database in the pacman UI and still get also this error :frowning:

Edit: Even in Terminal with pamac update -a i get this error:

==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as: Koboldx (koboldx)
https://mirror.alpix.eu/manjaro/stable/community/x86_64/python-filelock-3.12.0-2-any.pkg.tar.zst: Error 404
https://mirror.alpix.eu/manjaro/stable/community/x86_64/i2c-tools-4.3-4-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst: Error 404
https://mirror.alpix.eu/manjaro/stable/extra/x86_64/libadwaita-1:1.3.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst: Error 404
https://mirror.alpix.eu/manjaro/stable/extra/x86_64/gtk4-1:4.10.3-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst: Error 404
https://mirror.alpix.eu/manjaro/stable/community/x86_64/python-filelock-3.12.0-2-any.pkg.tar.zst: Error 404
Error: Failed to commit transaction: failed to retrieve some files

There is no way for me to update.

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I’ve had similar issue and it’s not the repo that is out of date (I specifically used global repo) and update using pacman (not pamac) worked correctly, while pamac correctly detected the update, but when prompted it went through all the confirmation steps to finally not do anything. It is worth to mention that the packages meant to be updated were 2 libpamac related packages themselves.

I suggest cleaning up before attempting the upgrade.
In my case, I took a few hints from the forum and condensed them into a little script:

if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
   echo "This script must be run as root" 
   exit 1
die() {
    local message=$1

    echo "$message" >&2
    exit 1

pacman -Scc || die 'Clearing the cache failed'
pacman-mirrors -c Germany || die 'Updating mirror list for Germany failed'
pacman -Syyu || die 'Update packages from repos failed'
pamac update -a || die 'Updating AUR packages failed'
pacman -Qtdq | pacman -Rns -  || die 'removing unused packages failed'
flatpak uninstall --unused || die 'Cleaning up unused flatpaks failed'
echo "**********"
echo "All updates successfully retrieved"

At least for me it worked flawlessly and after rebooting I just had the notification of a newer kernal and a few flatpak updates…

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I had this same problem.

Its known that a number of settings in newer pamac have no effect.
Why was it still released as is and without warning?
I dont know … but maybe use pamac-gtk3 for now.


There is a security vulnerability we had to mitigate. A proper fix will come in Mid-August. The issue with updatting is now fixed.

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i noticed one mirror is gone from the Global ones(can’t remember it’s name ;fosshost?)
also i used to be able to choose between HTTP and HTTPS.

There is only one global host: https://mirrors.manjaro.org/repo/ (from https://repo.manjaro.org/)

That can’t be completely true.
I use xfce and there it also automatically installed the gtk4 version.

Anyways, pamac-gtk ignores the theme and I don’t really understand the answeres here…
Is it a temporary problem with pamac or with the theme? (I am using the Matcha theme)

libadwaita apps don’t work great on KDE. Might work better on XFCE but are normally designed for Gnome based on that UI concept standard. So better use the GTK3 or the Qt6 version of the UI when we release it.

An interesting change of behaviour from pkill. Trying to kill a long process name gets:

pkill: pattern that searches for process name longer than 15 characters will result in zero matches
Try `pkill -f' option to match against the complete command line.

The same applies to pgrep, not surprisingly. This may break a few shell scripts. Looks like I’ll be spending some time checking the 100-odd scripts I have using one or other of those.

Fosshost is long gone.

Interesting pamac-gtk looks like the gtk3 on my host system but a bit more modern.

I have a VM with testing branch where pamac-gtk looks gome UI and I need to use gtk3 one.

Both XFCE. gtk4 linked to .config

I’m getting an error before upgrading:

could not satisfy dependencies:
- unable to satisfy dependency 'libexiv2.so=28-64' required by libgexiv2