[Stable Update] 2023-02-03 - Kernels, Phosh, Firefox, Thunderbird, Systemd, Mate, Budgie, Kodi

I might suggest settling down a bit. If you find something “not the way you do it”, you could always install arch from scratch and tune it however you like, or you could take a breath and ask some questions to learn why something is done a specific way and/or if there are alternative ways/packages to weave in what you’re looking for.

I have a suspicion you may want to investigate kernel-alive and kernel-modules-hook (I think only available through AUR now) to see if either might bring you closer to what you are looking for… search the forum for those package names may expose some “issues” (depending on what behavior s expected), extra steps, and/or considerations others have been faced with that you might appreciate knowing in advance.

As per Stefano Capitani / kernel-alive · GitLab


Collection of scripts that back up modules of currently running kernel after a kernel update to prevent some issues that happen after a kernel update.

After a kernel update, the modules of the currently running kernel are deleted. Thus, they can’t be loaded, which can cause some issues when those missing modules are needed. Modules backed up this way can still be loaded and used by the system if needed. Therefore, it helps the operating system to stay fully functional after a kernel update.

Please note that new version of the kernel will still only be used at the next boot.

(Created after this thread : When I install nvidia proprietary drivers, manjaro doesn't boot ;Took an idea found on Reddit)

As per GitHub - saber-nyan/kernel-modules-hook: Keeps your Arch Linux fully functional after a kernel upgrade


Tired of missing modules when updating the kernel?
Annoyed by modprobe: FATAL: Module smth not found in directory /lib/modules/new-kernel?
Losing uptime after reboots due to kernel update?

The solution is here.

  • Save.
  • Update.
  • Restore.
  • Enjoy.

Do not worry, backups are automatically cleaned.


I’ve had a bunch of issues immediately after updating. I’m running Kernel 5.15.91-1.

  • OBS seg faults. I tried reinstalling NVidia drivers multiple times. Didn’t help. I’ve reverted to the previous version of OBS and now it works again.
  • VLC would crash immediately when trying to play any video. I opened VLC directly, and changed Preferences > Video > Output from “Automatic” to “VDPAU” and it works now. I found that solution on another thread but I still don’t understand the problem and why VDPAU works.
  • Bluetooth no longer sees any devices although apparently it is running. I’m still trying to figure that out.

I’ve been using Manjaro as my primary OS since 2019 and I’ve never had this much trouble from an update.


I have a similar problem, except I cannot connect my AKG bluetooth headphones at all since this update. Did you find a solution to your problem? Edit: my problem was user error. I accidentally had toggled bluetooth on my phone and so the headphones had already connected to that.

I have received a stable-update request for mesa 22.3.4-2 . This can only be a case of confusion, can’t it ?

February 05, 2023




[ ~]$sudo pacman-mirrors -id && sudo pacman -Syyu
[sudo] password for x: 
::INFO Downloading mirrors from Manjaro
::INFO => Mirror pool: https://repo.manjaro.org/mirrors.json
::INFO => Mirror status: https://repo.manjaro.org/status.json
::INFO Using custom mirror file
::INFO Querying mirrors - This may take some time
  0.213 Germany        : https://mirror.moson.org/manjaro/
::INFO User generated mirror list
::INFO Custom mirror file saved: /var/lib/pacman-mirrors/custom-mirrors.json
::INFO Writing mirror list
::Germany         : https://mirror.moson.org/manjaro/stable/$repo/$arch
::INFO Mirror list generated and saved to: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
:: Paketdatenbanken werden synchronisiert …
 core                                      163,5 KiB   743 KiB/s 00:00 [#######################################] 100%
 extra                                    1857,9 KiB  2,91 MiB/s 00:01 [#######################################] 100%
 community                                   7,5 MiB  7,14 MiB/s 00:01 [#######################################] 100%
 multilib                                  169,2 KiB   783 KiB/s 00:00 [#######################################] 100%
:: Vollständige Systemaktualisierung wird gestartet …
Abhängigkeiten werden aufgelöst …
Nach in Konflikt stehenden Paketen wird gesucht …

Pakete (9) libva-mesa-driver-22.3.4-2  mesa-22.3.4-2  mesa-vdpau-22.3.4-2  opencl-mesa-22.3.4-2
           vulkan-intel-22.3.4-2  vulkan-mesa-layers-22.3.4-2  vulkan-radeon-22.3.4-2  vulkan-swrast-22.3.4-2

Gesamtgröße des Downloads:              66,81 MiB
Gesamtgröße der installierten Pakete:  205,02 MiB
Größendifferenz der Aktualisierung:    -49,20 MiB

:: Installation fortsetzen? [J/n] n
[ ~]$ 

@Manjaro-Team ?

OK (sarcasm), found the reason:

…this was brought up after my post, couldn’t find it before. A hint beforehand would have been nice.

Similar issue and Solution.
I don’t use VPN servers requiring a pin, rather static saved credentials to vpn in Network Manager.
Fails to connect on 2.6

1 Like

I noticed that too today and it really confused me and it still confuses me… ^^

Thanks for great work you do. Really love the dist

Indeed. PKGBUILD changes are available now.

A post was split to a new topic: Video does not work in Zoom after upgrade

Further investigation per openvpn changelog

  • --keysize is deprecated in OpenVPN 2.4 and will be removed in v2.6 together with the support of ciphers with cipher block size less than 128-bits.

Removing the selected keysize option in Networkmanager fixed my existing connections


There were some lib updates this morning which seemed to have solved the problem. Thanks to the maintainers! :slight_smile:

Hi there,
Since wine 7.22, after I use a full screen application there is a grey bar along the bottom of the screen. It’s really irritating and is only cleared when the wineserver is shutdown.
wine 8.00 still has this issue.

Same here, Issue with noto-fonts I guess.

Hi all. For some reason my machine is still showing as up-to-date. I have tried a number of commands, updated mirrors etc but still no result. Maybe my mirror is the last in the sync queue! More power to Manjaro & the community! Ruziel :slight_smile:

same here aswell

noto-fonts issue is present upstream in arch as well… let’s see what will happen :slightly_smiling_face:

1 Like

Since this update (but I have applied the last two Stable Updates at once) locking the screen in KDE Plasma on X11 generates an error like this:

The screen locker is broken and unlocking is not possible anymore.

In order to unlock switch to a virtual terminal (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F2), log in and execute the command:
loginctl unlock session 2

Afterwards switch back to the running session

In Wayland, screen locking is fine. All the users on the machine share the same problem.

A post was merged into an existing topic: DisplayPort issues

Same here

A post was split to a new topic: Complete is not a known entry point