[Stable Update] 2022-11-14 - Kernels, GNOME 43.1, Plasma 5.26.3, Systemd 251.8, Firefox 106.0.5, Thunderbird, LXQt

The previously indicated bug has landed in this stable update as well.
I have been able to restore my system from BTRFS snapshot,
to change branch to stable and upgrade without issue till this point,
when the upgrade killed my system again.
([Testing Update] 2022-11-09 - Plasma 5.26.3, Python, KDE-git - #10 by osiixy)

With @openminded we have tried to find the culprit without luck.

The only reappearing pattern is an error about missing libcrypto.so.3 during chroot rescuing before downgrading the system (and of course the “Key slot open failed” error at boot time unlocking) .

Some fact of my system:


MODULES=(nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm)
HOOKS=(base udev plymouth autodetect keyboard keymap modconf block plymouth-encrypt filesystems resume keyboard)

luks dump (redacted)

LUKS header information
Version:       	2
Epoch:         	7
Metadata area: 	16384 [bytes]
Keyslots area: 	16744448 [bytes]
UUID:          	<<redacted>>
Label:         	(no label)
Subsystem:     	(no subsystem)
Flags:       	allow-discards 

Data segments:
  0: crypt
	offset: 16777216 [bytes]
	length: (whole device)
	cipher: aes-xts-essiv:sha256
	sector: 512 [bytes]

  0: luks2
	Key:        512 bits
	Priority:   normal
	Cipher:     aes-xts-essiv:sha256
	Cipher key: 512 bits
	PBKDF:      argon2id
	Time cost:  23
	Memory:     1048576
	Threads:    4
	Salt:       <<redacted>> 
	AF stripes: 4000
	AF hash:    whirlpool
	Area offset:32768 [bytes]
	Area length:258048 [bytes]
	Digest ID:  0
  0: pbkdf2
	Hash:       whirlpool
	Iterations: 94568
	Salt:       <<redacted>>
	Digest:     <<redacted>>