[Stable Update] 2021-12-16 - Kernels, KDE Gear 21.12.0, Gnome Extensions, LibreOffice

libpamac 11.1.3 isn’t available anywhere I can find.

Actually I think we’re up to newer libpamac 11.2.0-1… as that’s what I have currently installed:


Why is this solution proposed if the package doesn’t exist?

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I think it’s just a recycled wiki entry… but as it states, the issue was fixed in 11.1.3… so one generally hopes newer versions above 11.1.3 (like 11.2.0) contain the older fixes as well (and didn’t introduce new issues :wink: )

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This just happened just after the update. Also thank you for grouping OS updates separate from application in the updates tab. Amazing work!

Warning for any Dell XPS 9700 users.
Following the update all audio devices, detected speakers, microphones and attached headsets, appear to no longer be detected on my dell 9700 XPS.
It appears that a number of alsa packages were updated, likely the culprits, however I’ve yet to investigate thoroughly.
I’ve reverted to a time shift backup for the time being.

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I had issues getting my Keyboard “Roccat Isku Fx” to work. It was recognized in lsusb and so on, but typing didn’t work. Kernel version linux515 5.15.7-1. Another brands keyboard worked normally.
I fixed it by using experimental kernel 5.16. Kernels before also worked fine.

@sparcplug Ha, I saw your message after updating and I can confirm your findings. If you want me to test anything, let me know.

Everything went well, except the Manjaro logo of Whisker which disappeared replaced by that of Xfce, and the favorites to replace they had returned as during a new installation.
Once everything is replaced as before, it’s ok.

if i open news it copy a file and show wine icon

I am using a “Roccat Ryos MK Pro” on Kernel "5.15.7-1, so it is not a common brand issue. As a sidenote, i have also installed roccat-tools-ryosmk roccat-tools-common from the AUR (off course there is one for “-iskufx” too). I wonder what has changed in the new Kernel version, that your keyboard seemingly worked with the change. Did you have any of the drivers from AUR installed? Did your keyboard worked before and stopped working with the update?

Nice, finally a kernal update that gets off 5.13. First thing I always did under a new manjaro install was go to 515 cause there were critical things broken out of the box in 513.

You can configure it to meet your preferences: [Stable Update] 2021-12-10 - Kernels, Systemd, LibreOffice, Plasma, Browser, Thunderbird - #86 by alven
or switch command interpreter back to bash in user profile settings of terminal emulator.

Well i have configured it with powerlevel10k which shows additional symbols for e.g. home directory or an hourglass after the time it took to execute the command. Worked fine till the last update. Now these symbols are missing and only a generic replacement character is shown. I thought perhaps powerline fonts have been uninstalled but that seems not to be the case.

EDIT: OK i solved it … i had to use my own profile as breath profile is not writable, set the shell to zsh and the font to MesloLGS NF 10 Regular. Now the symbols are shown again:

I tied this earlier but i did not realize that the font was not saved in breath profile.


Yeah it stopped working with the update. I checked out the installed roccat packages: roccat-tools-common, roccat-tools-iskufx, roccat-tools-isku, kmod-roccat as AUR. I now removed komd-roccat as it seemed not necessary. I also reinstalled the 5.15.7-1 Kernel. Now 5.15.7-1 works fine again. Weird :slight_smile:

Yeah… I have that problem too, some icons in Pamac suddenly become too small…

kmod-roccat is a Kernel module for the old kone ROCCAT. Also have a look if you really need roccat-tools-isku, as you have “iskufx” already installed. For me it never stopped working, that is why I guess there was a conflict with a driver for a hardware you don’t have installed.

To be honest I’m no expert in linux sound configurations, the possibilities seem endless; recent code commits and configuration changes within sof etc. I suppose updating to latest and reverting all the alsa packages to their predecessors might seem a reasonable start.

A post was split to a new topic: Update hung installing updates

the 12-16 update does not solve my problem posted here

Fn F8 -F9 does not dim or increase brightness in my Samsung Amoled Display, sound control and keyboard backlit both they works (Tnx to tuxedo-keyboard) it seems I’m back to kernel 5.10 where the control was not functioning. Kernels 5.11 to 5.13 managed controls perfectly