[Stable Update] 2021-03-18 - Kernels, Plasma, Frameworks, LibreOffice, Firefox, Systemd

By the way, I have issues with pulseeffects (or pipewire) now. It could do its job well sometimes, but after a reboot it just stop routing the sound to the proper sink.

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That’s not a bug, it just does what you configured it to do.

In your /etc/default/grub you probably have


Make it something else like


And then run update-grub.

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As @NGr pointed out, electron9 is an orphan and you can remove it. If another application needs electron, it will pull it in as a dependency.

The update itself went smoothly here on four machines, all of them Cinnamon-flavored.

As usual: many thanks for that! I adore Manjaro!

But: unfortunately Bluetooth is gone! Also on all four machines (two notebooks, two NUC5, all fuelled by Intel, one ancient Core2 Duo, three Core i3…i7).

Yet I have to confess, I’m not sure if it actually happened with this update or a previous one, since I use BT only occasionally with a pair of Sony WH-1000 NC headphones. These will no longer connect on said Manjaro machines, are not even removable from the device list there anymore.

Also, new BT devices won’t show up in the BT manager.

However, the headphones work flawlessly on other devices or when said machines are booted with PartedMagic for instance, so I can’t blame the hardware.

Any useful hint or tip on how to proceed will be greatly appreciated!

THX in advance!

indeed that was the case. interesting, why did the previous behaviour got overwritten? none of the previous updates did that.

sudo pacman-mirrors -f
::INFO Downloading mirrors from repo.manjaro.org
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/pacman-mirrors", line 28, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pacman_mirrors/pacman_mirrors.py", line 101, in run
    httpFn.download_mirror_pool(config=self.config, tty=self.tty, quiet=self.quiet)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pacman_mirrors/functions/httpFn.py", line 195, in download_mirror_pool
    result = download_mirrors(config)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pacman_mirrors/functions/httpFn.py", line 60, in download_mirrors
    mirrorlist = json.loads(response.read().decode("utf8"), object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/http/client.py", line 471, in read
    s = self._safe_read(self.length)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/http/client.py", line 612, in _safe_read
    data = self.fp.read(amt)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/socket.py", line 704, in readinto
    return self._sock.recv_into(b)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/ssl.py", line 1241, in recv_into
    return self.read(nbytes, buffer)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/ssl.py", line 1099, in read
    return self._sslobj.read(len, buffer)
socket.timeout: The read operation timed out

@philm: Same problem here, pacman-mirrors 4.19.5-2 installed , but doesn’t work. Any hint?
If i downgrade to pacman-mirrors-4.19.2-1 all works fine.

No update overwrites your configuration, it just provides the .pacnew-files that you can then analyse and merge as you please. The differences in grub and grub.pacnew are proposals and you decide to pick them or not.

I get it that not all differences make sense to everybody (I’m no pro neither), but if something on your machine breaks it can be caused by such a merging operation. “Nah, let’s pick it, it can’t hurt” isn’t the best reason for a decision.

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A post was split to a new topic: Error: file ‘/boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_84’ not found

i had a similar problem. BT was disconnected or not detected and i couldn’t activate the BT although lsusb showed up that the dongle was connected. The problem is that i plugged the dongle to a usb-hub. after changing it straight to the laptop without the hub between the problem is gone.

hm…some freeze was added after update.
and all system seems to work slower…

Fixing issues with pipewire:


pamac install manjaro-pipewire
pamac install gst-plugin-pipewire


pamac install pulseeffects-legacy

pulseeffects-legacy does not depend on Pipewire and does not require removal of PulseAudio packages

This made no sense to me, because I already had manjaro-pipewire and gst-plugin-pipewire installed. I recently replaced pulseaudio with pipewire. So the update was a challenge…

Thanks to Lyrix the following helped:
systemctl --user enable pipewire.socket pipewire-pulse.socket
systemctl --user enable pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-media-session
systemctl --user start pipewire.socket pipewire-pulse.socket
systemctl --user start pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-media-session

Before issuing the commands I renamed ~/.config/pipewire to pipewire_old

BTW PulseEffects works fine.

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Thank you to the Manjaro team for all the work they put into every release.

Gnome, 5.11 kernel, nvidia 460 series
Smooth update without any issues.

I also switch over to pipewire from pulseaudio since that seems to be the direction for the future of audio in linux at this time using the excellent directions provided by @kagetora13 in this post and everything is running perfectly.

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The update went smoothly apart from 2 issues, one which easily got fixed and it was that GRUB wouldn’t show AT ALL while booting, no kernel choosing, nothing. Easily fixed it by activating os-prober using the command in the common issues post, I’m not sure why grub would stop showing altogether just because it can’t find windows but eh it got fixed.

The other issue which i didn’t bother to research because it’s midnight is that the manjaro kernel manager just shows an install button in front of all the kernels, even the one i’m running

Which you can see here :

I’m not sure what causes this but i think it is relevant info that while installing i chose to not write to MBR and write the boot record to the disk manjaro itself is on, however before this update the tool worked fine. Also GRUB can find installed kernels, the manjaro tool can’t.

Use GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu to force the menu to appear. os-prober was disabled by default for security reasons.

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The computer freezes while building projects using gcc. Rolled back to the previous version using timeshift - everything became normal.
Update: switched to the 5.4 LTS kernel - the problems disappeared.

I can’t update my system because error happened at checking for file conflicts

(354/354) checking for file conflicts [##############################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
python-markdown: /usr/bin/markdown_py exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

please help me

No issues at all on two machines, thanks to the team.

To solve your issue, see this thread:

I opened an issue for you: @linux-aarhus

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It works. thank you so much

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