[Stable Update] 2021-02-09 - Kernels, Gnome 40-Alpha, KDE Apps 20.12.2, Systemd, Mesa, LibreOffice

Updated without problems -except PulseEffects, as expected. I removed it and now I am installing pulseeffects–legacy package.

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There appears to be a conflict with mpv and vlc with the update of the libplacebo package.

$ yay
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core                        167.2 KiB  9.61 MiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------] 100%
 extra                      1983.8 KiB  15.4 MiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------] 100%
 community                     6.4 MiB  13.9 MiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------] 100%
 multilib                    181.3 KiB  0.00   B/s 00:00 [------------------------------] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing libplacebo (3.104.0-1) breaks dependency 'libplacebo.so=72-64' required by mpv
error installing repo packages

$ sudo pacman -Rns libplacebo
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing libplacebo breaks dependency 'libplacebo' required by mpv
:: removing libplacebo breaks dependency 'libplacebo.so=72-64' required by mpv
:: removing libplacebo breaks dependency 'libplacebo' required by vlc

I could try uninstalling both mpv and vlc but then after updating I might not be able to install them back, considering there’s a dependency break.
How to proceed?

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Had an issue with my locale settings; the setting were gone.
Noticed it because my powerline10k prompt was not displaying unicode characters.

Fixed by:

  1. Manjaro Settings Manager
  2. Click [Add]
  3. Add desired locales
  4. Go to Detailed Settings
  5. Select desired Display Language and Format
  6. Click [Apply], Click [Quit]

Open a new terminal to see powerline10k prompt with unicode characters.


You do not block/ignore the upgrade of mpv, right? The latest version of mpv package should be compatible with the latest version of libplacebo package. On my side, I both have libplacebo 3.104.0-1 and mpv 1:0.33.0-4 which has on libplacebo.so=104.64 as one of its dependencies.


Just updated on Manjaro Gnome. I had a issue where the gnome terminal didn’t open. It did work before the update. I fixed it using this StackExchange answer.


Not a big deal really, but I got these new icons for Files and Terminal. icons Not sure if that is intentional or not but they look kinda out of place. Other than that the update went fine on Manjaro GNOME


System is now partly French and English (French before the update). Gnome languages list is empty. Terminal won’t open anymore.

Edit: just had to go to Manjaro Settings, add the French back in the regional settings, log back in and everything went back to normal (even the Terminal).

Thanks guys.


I’ve had locale issues in testing with a console solution.

  • Remove the least used one of them
  • update
  • re-install the one you removed.

If there would be an issue, create a new topic and ping me with the link. Worst I’m expecting is an additional symlink to be put in place.


Had a problem with opening all gnome applications and from checking journalctl -xe, it turned out that there was a problem with my locale configuration.
1- uncomment en_US.UTF-9 from /etc/locale.gen
2- generate locale by this command locale-gen
3- add LANG=en_US.UTF-8 and LC_COLLATE=C to /etc/locale.conf
and that’s it. Everything worked.

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A post was split to a new topic: Powerdevil: “Charge thresholds not supported” with ddcutil 1.0.0

Papirus got updated and many icons got a new design.

Now as for if it is an improvement or not… that’s a different question. :upside_down_face:


no problems on the update itself - after reboot the screen flashed with what looked like a garbled desktop on both of my displays but only for a second or less. But after that things seem fine.

Nope, in my /etc/pacman.conf I can read:

IgnorePkg   = transgui-gtk mathematica

That’s the only two packages I have on a ignore list on my system.

Interestingly, at least I swear I didn’t do anything, just trying to run yay again, or maybe I rebooted the PC because there’s nothing else that could have happened, it now works perfectly and after updating and rebooting to ensure everything went as expected it in fact did and everything works, both vlc and mpv.

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When the command below is run. I have pipewire working. This is pulseeffects 5 latest one avaliable


(pulseeffects:2221): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:06:24.807: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:2:33: Failed to import: Error opening file /home/userme/.config/gtk-3.0/window_decorat
ions.css: No such file or directory

** (pulseeffects:2221): ERROR **: 14:06:24.886:  
unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
what: soe: Failed to get required plugin: pipewiresrc

Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)

Is there indeed Gnome 40? I can see still 3.38.3…

I think it’s only extension preparations for Gnome 40 ahead of actual Gnome 40 release.

I’m seeing an issue with the graphics.
First noticed watching Plex Media Player, sound continued but desktop froze.
After a hard restart, I tried again and got a freeze on opening Firefox.
I’ll try a rebuild of PlexMediaPlayer and see if that clears it up…

No dice, now getting some bad flickering etc. I got one screenshot.

Has anyone checked the load with the ryzen iGPU? I did a clean install a week ago - after reboot the system boots to a black screen. Terminal works, but startx ends with an error.

Got it, thanks for replay!