[Stable Update] 2021-01-19 - Kernels, XFCE, Plasma, PulseAudio, Pipewire, Mesa, Firefox, Thunderbird, KDE Apps

Last stable update, I compiled old nvidia driver (450) for linux54. This update ships with a newer linux54 version, and as told in the support topic:

You may need to recompile nvidia-4YYxx whenever we release a new linux54 kernel.

I indeed needed to recompile nvidia-450xx after this update. Here’s how to do it (you can change all occurrences of “450” with your desired driver):

  1. Add the line IgnorePkg = lib32-nvidia-utils lib32-opencl-nvidia mhwd-nvidia opencl-nvidia in file /etc/pacman.conf
  2. Upgrade your packages (graphical interface or sudo pacman -Syyu)
  3. Reboot (sudo reboot) on kernel 5.4 (see Note 1 below on how to do this)
  4. Boot will be stuck because no driver has been found, just open a console with CTRL + ALT + F2.
  5. First read Note 2 below, then get the sources for your driver (in my case, 450xx):
git clone https://gitlab.manjaro.org/packages/extra/nvidia-450xx-utils.git
git clone https://gitlab.manjaro.org/packages/multilib/lib32-nvidia-450xx-utils.git
git clone https://gitlab.manjaro.org/packages/extra/linux54-extramodules/nvidia-450xx.git
  1. Compile the driver (if you get an error, see Note 3):
cd nvidia-450xx-utils && makepkg -si
cd ../lib32-nvidia-450xx-utils && makepkg -si
cd ../nvidia-450xx && makepkg -sif
  1. Reboot (sudo reboot) on kernel 5.4 (see Note 1 below on how to do this)

Now, everything is working again! To check if you’re indeed running kernel linux 5.4, you can run uname -r in a console, and to check if you’re running the driver you just compiled, you can run inxi -G --display.

Note 1: to choose which kernel to boot on, you need to edit those two lines in /etc/default/grub to match those (5 as in 5 seconds to make your choice on the menu, you can put whatever):


Then, run sudo update-grub. When booting, you’ll now see a menu with all installed kernels so you can choose which one to use for this session.

Note 2: During step 5 and 6: If you had already compiled the nvidia driver last update, you can skip cloning nvidia-450xx-utils and lib32-nvidia-450xx-utils (you already have the sources, you just need to compile them again), but I suggest you remove your older nvidia-450xx folder (rm -rf nvidia-450xx) and clone it again before compiling this one, otherwise you will get an error like “folder already exists” when trying to compile.

Note 3: When trying to compile the driver, you might get an error with two nvidia packages creating conflicts (I think lib32-nvidia-utils was one of them, I don’t remember the other one). To fix that, just uninstall those packages with sudo pacman -R <package>.