[Stable Update] 2020-08-28 - Kernels, Systemd, PAM, PAMBASE, KDE-git, Deepin, Pamac, Nvidia 450.66, LibreOffice 7.0

I had the same issue! I had to manually edit the libreoffice config files to get it back.

Sure. Unfortunately I hadn’t read the post closely as I mentioned so when I rebooted I couldn’t log in, either via the login manager or from a TTY like Ctrl+Alt+F4. Luckily I dual boot another copy of Manjaro so I was able to just boot into that environment and change the files from the broken one. If you already updated and can’t log in I assume you’ll have to boot from a USB live image and use chroot. I saw that there was a system-login.pacnew file in /etc/pam.d so I compared it with the previous system-login to see what changed. I then made a backup of the existing system-login file and copied the pacnew file to just system-login. After rebooting I was able to log in. Hope that helps!


I switched back and forth from stable to testing and then from testing to stable: I din’t faced any kind of issue: I’m happy to rely on Manjaro :+1:

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Had to force the nvidia driver installation from the terminal on a fresh install from the latest iso. Manjaro Settings Manager wouldn’t work itself.

KDE Plasma update went fine.

Following Update ran

sudo DIFFPROG=kate pacdiff

There are options to [r] remove and some other choices. I chose remove then [q] quit. Exited console

and then rebooted.

Able to login.

Honestly, was a little nervous before hand. Directing to the Arch Wiki was helpful. I know there were helpful posts from @Fabby, amongst others but I think a small detailed section in the Tutorial thread would have been helpful.


Anyone familiar with the KDE stable file indexer, baloo? I have files being indexed in locations that don’t exist. In the Kruner and appmenu search results the indexer put files that do exist as a duplicate directory that doesn’t exist in my downloads folder. Example: a file DOES exist at ~/Music/file.ext and there’s a duplicate index for ~/Downloads/Music/file.ext. I updated and rebuilt the index again but this happened previously. What actually gives with this? It’s so weird. :confused:

Greetings. I didn’t realize that I have 2 old sddm/sddm.pacnew files.
I don’t want to reboot and run out of access. I annex the differences.
Any advice you can give me?

ls sddm* -la
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 208 Apr 2 2017 sddm
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 402 Aug 14 06:43 sddm.pacnew
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 529 Aug 14 06:43 sddm-autologin
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 397 Aug 14 06:43 sddm-greeter

Differences are:
$ diff sddm sddm.pacnew

< auth          optional        pam_kwallet5.so
> -auth         optional        pam_gnome_keyring.so
> -auth   optional  pam_kwallet5.so
> -password     optional        pam_gnome_keyring.so use_authtok
> session               optional        pam_keyinit.so force revoke
< session               optional        pam_kwallet5.so auto_start
> -session              optional        pam_gnome_keyring.so auto_start
> -session  optional  pam_kwallet5.so auto_start

BTW, the update logs doesn’t show any error, just a warning for:

warning: /etc/locale.gen installed as /etc/locale.gen.pacnew (I take care of this)

(17/25) Warn about old perl modules

Note#1. My desktop is KDE since the installation of this system.

A post was split to a new topic: Boots to black screen after update

animations stopped at KDE. how can I solve this problem?

@jussmor I just saw this, too. Got it fixed now. Don’t know exactly what it is but first guess is as follows:
open appmenu and type compositor, open the compositor app that it shows. You might see a big notification about the compositor having a hiccup and asks if you wish to restart it, it warns that it could crash. I restarted mine, seems fine.

After I did that, I went into the window management -> behavior settings and toggled a setting on/off (shouldn’t matter which). Hit the apply when switching on and off. Animations working again.

Also you can do Ctrl+Alt+Shift+f12 to activate composition.
That would happen if you have enable allow applications to block compositing, you can disable it in the compositor settings

The update went smoothly without any known issues. After all, that’s what I expected from Manjaro.

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Ich habe das Wiki gelesen pacman/Pacnew and Pacsave - ArchWiki

weiß aber nicht, was ich tun muss. Kann ich etwas vor dem Update tun um das Pam Problem zu verhindern?

Better create an additional topic on that one in one of the dedicated sections like this one as your question is not really about the update process itself.


We can’t because we don’t know your system: it seems like you used to run Gnome and are now running KDE. If that’s the case, you need to apply the .pacnew.

If not, please create a specific question in the gnome or KDE section of this forum and give us more info.



Chinese Characters of Microsoft YaHei displays strange on Manjaro, and it will make Edge and Firefox on Windows display strange too.

Bitte legen Sie eine bestimmte Frage in eine dem General oder Deutsch Sektionen.


All fine here. No issues :slight_smile:

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A post was split to a new topic: After update restarted VM. Startup was slow, screen was spammed with “Failed to start VirtualBox Guest VMSVGA resize client”

All went good with this update. Using Manjaro KDE with Lniux57 Kernel.
Thankyou Team Majaro. :slightly_smiling_face: