[Stable Update] 2020-08-22 - Kernels, Deepin, KDE-git, Firefox, Pamac, Nvidia 450, KDE Apps 20.08

It would be nice though if it were possible to update to a previous release. I mean I’m not updating right away as I’m not that much of a pro. So I let the real pros update it and read about the problems they had (if any).

After a few days I feel ready to update myself, but I waited too long… A new update was released and the waiting starts again…

Please do not start that discussion again.

You mean restoring a system backup with Timeshift? Use the forum search stop the off topic.

EDIT: no that’s not downgrading you’re wrong. That is restoring the system in a previous state, this is different…

Nope, not downgrading.

OK :slight_smile:

Please see the new Stable announcements and use those to report any issues with the update.