Spotify Installation Failure - spotify.protocol failed

Hi! I’m having an issue with the new Spotify version, I’m installing with pacman and it keeps failing. The issue seems to be with “spotify.protocol” and I’m not sure what it is or how to fix it… I’ve seen that there are issues with the new version but I have not been able to find this particular issue and somebody who solved it. Help please!

Building spotify…
==> Making package: spotify 1: (Sat Oct 31 21:55:23 2020)
==> Checking runtime dependencies…
==> Checking buildtime dependencies…
==> Retrieving sources…
→ Found spotify.protocol
→ Found spotify-
→ Found spotify-
→ Found spotify-
→ Found spotify-
==> Validating source files with sha512sums…
spotify.protocol … FAILED
LICENSE … Passed
spotify- … Skipped
spotify- … Skipped
==> ERROR: One or more files did not pass the validity check!
Error: Failed to build spotify

Are you? pacman doesnt do AUR, and doesnt usually have output like that…

My suggestion would be to download the package (git clone maybe?)
enter the directory and run: updpkgsums
then install with: makepkg -sric

(otherwise you can manually check the sha512sum of the file and augment the PKGBUILD)

sorry I meant pamac