Sometimes the password got wrong and I am sure I type the right password

When I install a software just now need I type in password. I am pretty sure that I type the right password. But it said I am wrong. I change to tty3(ctrl-shift-f3) to run the same command then type the same password. All works fine in tty3.
I just wonder why is this ?

Possible causes (general):

  • Caps Lock
  • Keyboard repeat rate (or related)

How are you installing software; with Pamac-Manager (the GUI), or pamac (commandline) or pacman? You didn’t specify. Perhaps there is an issue with whichever method you are using; this information may help someone diagnose it.

That’s all I have to offer. Someone else may have deeper insight.

Good luck.


no capslock the led on my keyboard is bright enough to warn me.
not typing issue I am sure.

Installing with aur, yay command.

I also struggle with this sometimes. But in my case it’s a medical thing. (Strangely I can’t remember the name just now.)

In KDE I’ve adjusted my delay and repeat rate to work, ut I struggle in TTY sometimes. a Mitigation, I’ve found, is adjusting the delay and repeat rate. See here for more and how to do that:

Hope this helps!

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