Rxvt-unicode fails to start

After the latest update the terminal (rxvt-unicode) fails to start
with this error

urxvt: error while loading shared libraries: libperl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I’m using Manjaro i3 edition, I don’t know how to fix this.
Also I’m getting

Failed to load kernel modules error

During booting though it boots fine.

perl package is the same version on all branches now. Possible a partial update on your system. Try to run this command and see if that fixes the issue:
sudo pacman-mirrors -f5 && sudo pacman -Syyu perl

Reboot and report back.

Maybe you have rxvt-unicode with some patches from the AUR (like rxvt-unicode-256xresources)? If so, rebuild it.

P.S. You can check the package like this:
pacman -Qo /usr/bin/urxvt