Running 6.11 kernel, update to 6.12 fails to boot

Using the manjaro settings manager - kernel when I install 6.12 and reboot I get a device not found error message.

Shouldn’t Manjaro detecting 6.11 automatically install 6.12 kernel?

help, please

“Should” being of dubious determination.

There are the linux-meta and associated packages that were intended to cut in under these circumstances and automatically add a new kernel when using an EOL one.

But those do not exactly work flawlessly.

And as of right now kernel 6.11 is still available in the Stable branch, so meta would not have kicked in.

Are you fully synced/up-to-date (not partial!), and/or have you tried with the last LTS 6.6?

sudo pacman -Syu       ---    yes?

that is how it should look:

sudo pacman -Syu
[sudo] password for X: 
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do

After you installed 6.12 and rebooted did you press the shift or esc key and go into advanced settings then choose 6.12.