[root tip] [How To] Installing VMware on Manjaro

VMware Workstation and Player

VMware is a commercially developed application with a limited list of supported operating systems.

This guide is a courtesy to the forum don’t expect any support on VMware related issues.

Supported operating systems

Version 16 and 17 - Expand this to se the list and link to VMware KB

VMware Knowledge Base

OS Vendor OS Release Workstation 16.0 Workstation 16.1.0 Workstation 16.2.x Workstation 17.0
Canonical Ubuntu 22.04 - - Yes Yes
Canonical Ubuntu 20.10 - Yes Yes -
Canonical Ubuntu 20.04 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Canonical Ubuntu 18.04 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Canonical Ubuntu 16.04 Yes Yes Yes -
Linux Mint 21 - - - Yes
Linux Mint 20 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Centos CentOS 7.x Yes Yes Yes Yes
Debian Debian 11.x - - - Yes
Debian Debian 10.x Yes Yes Yes Yes
Debian Debian 9.x Yes Yes Yes -
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 - - - Yes
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows 11 - - Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows 8.1 - Update 3 Yes Yes Yes -
Red Hat Fedora 36 - - - Yes
Red Hat Fedora 35 - - - Yes
Red Hat Fedora 34 - - - Yes
Red Hat Fedora 33 - Yes Yes -
Red Hat Fedora 32 Yes Yes Yes -
Red Hat Fedora 31 Yes Yes Yes -
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x - - - Yes
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3 - Yes Yes Yes
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x Yes Yes Yes Yes
Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x Yes Yes Yes Yes
SUSE SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3 - - - Yes
SUSE SUSE Linux Enterprise 15.x Yes Yes Yes -
SUSE SUSE Linux Enterprise Server/Desktop 12 SP5 - - - Yes
SUSE SUSE Linux Enterprise Server/Desktop 12 SP3 Yes Yes Yes -
SUSE openSUSE 15.3 - - - Yes
SUSE openSUSE 15.x Yes Yes Yes -

If you install it manually - using the download provided from VMware - you will most likely run into library incompatibilities and you will need to compile the kernel modules by hand and this you will have to do with every subsequent kernel update.

You could be that bravehearted fearless Linux user who do not fear the depths of the kernel modules subtree and do not fear the patches you need to apply to get it working with Manjaro - and in this case - just dive in …


As you have seen - Archlinux and derivatives are unsupported platforms for running VMware products and as such it is unsupported on Manjaro.

So while it is possible to install and run VMware on Manjaro - do not expect support on configuration of virtual machines or system issues arising from your VMware installation. You must have the required level of troubleshooting skills to solve these when they arise - and they will.

  • If you need help configuring vmware virtual machines
    • consult the VMware documentation.
  • If you need help troubleshooting installation issues
    • use the comment section for the AUR PKGBUILD
    • Manjaro uses different kernels than Arch

How to install VMware

Enable CPU virtual extensions in your system’s firmware.

To install vmware on Manjaro you will have to resort to a PKGBUILD script.

There is a lot of AUR helpers and they all mimic what you should do manually - the Arch way is usually the best way.

Important kernel precaution

The AUR PKGBUILD is created for Archlinux and therefore the kernel headers dependency must be solved manually on Manjaro. Archlinux only have two kernel versions - linux and linux-lts.

Archlinux kernels follow the release schedule on kernel.org and on Manjaro you will need to use the same kernel version.


  • Linux 6.6.x (stable) (LTS)

Using other kernels will most likely fail.

Building steps

  1. Update your system and Install the necessary build tools
    sudo pacman -Syu git base-devel --needed
  2. Then check your kernel version(s) - example - remember to use the same version as Arch
    Currently running: 6.6.7-1-MANJARO (linux66)
    The following kernels are installed in your system:
       * linux66
  3. Then install the headers for your kernel(s) and dkms (use the kernels listed from your system)
    sudo pacman -Syu $KERNELXYY-headers dkms
  4. Clone the PKGBUILKD script
    git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/vmware-workstation.git
    expect output like this
    Cloning into 'vmware-workstation'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 498, done.
    remote: Counting objects: 100% (498/498), done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (239/239), done.
    remote: Total 498 (delta 307), reused 439 (delta 258), pack-reused 0
    Receiving objects: 100% (498/498), 256.62 KiB | 3.21 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (307/307), done.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the content - it is all text files and you should read them and verify what they are doing.
    ls ~/vmware-workstation
  6. When you are satisfied - cd into the folder and run makepkg to install dependencies, build and install the package.
    cd ~/vmware-workstation
    makepkg -is

The post install message reads

==> Before using VMware, you need to reboot or load vmw_vmci and vmmon kernel modules (in a terminal on root: modprobe -a vmw_vmci vmmon)
==> You may also need to enable some of the following services:
- vmware-networks: to have network access inside VMs
- vmware-usbarbitrator: to connect USB devices inside VMs
These services can be activated during boot by enabling .service units or only when a VM is started by enabling .path units.

Choose either of the options - not both

  • To start and enable vmware network and usb service at boot
    sudo systemctl enable --now vmware-networks.service
    sudo systemctl enable --now vmware-usbarbitrator.service
  • To start and enable vmware network and usb on demand
    sudo systemctl enable --now vmware-networks.path
    sudo systemctl enable --now vmware-usbarbitrator.path

Either reboot your system or load the kernel modules by hand

sudo modprobe -a vmw_vmci vmmon

Because the resulting build is using dkms - you won’t have to rebuild the kernel modules on system update - dkms will take care of this.

Enjoy - while it lasts - some members has run VMware for years with only minor issues - you may be a lucky one too :partying_face:


  • 2023-06-18T22:00:00Z
    Updated supported OS and supported kernels
  • 2021-10-23T06:43:00Z
    Added comment on CPU virtual extensions
  • 2021-09-26T08:08:00Z
    revised post installation matching the PKGBUILD

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Best way to install vmware workstation