Restricting mirrors to EU countries

Ok great @Wisermans , but for any reason I don’t see any benefits for a causal user beside the feeling: “I retrieve packages only from servers of countries which are members the European Union.”

  1. The servers don’t collect personal data. Would you call temporary IPs as personal data?
  2. There are gnupg signatures to ensure that the data has not been manipulated.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t that some kind of patriotism? I am not against any patriotism of any kind, but feel free to do it for own benefits of feeling “better”.

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@megavolt i replied to you in DM as i already said that i don’t reply to questions that have nothing to do with technical points like “patriotism” or so.

@omano gave a link to pacman-mirrors and i made a simple script to implement a simple solution, in the same way as @Strit was saying that it needed a list.

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If you even call “European Union” than this whole topic becomes already political loaded.

As said in the DM: If you trust on Trends or trust on server location and political laws, then I am sorry.

The package system “pacman/pamac” has a forced gpg verfiication for security reason and I don’t see why IP addresses, which are exposed to any website in the world, should be a problem.

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Won’t implement.