Restoring file system

Fix Dolphin bookmarks? It’s probably easier if you create a new one (from the context menu) to the right mount directory and delete the old one after. But you can leave them in place until you have clarity for the NTFS device mount that you commented/deleted in fstab.
What’s your status on the mount then? Have you tried to check the device for errors via Windows first, as @linux-aarhus suggested?

Not yet and for clarity:
The devices are mounted but not where were before the outage.
When I try read the aforementioned directory on the disk by terminal command I got the error message that there is an output error

ls -la
ls: reading directory '.': Input/output error
total 0

You have to give precise information and output from the system, if you need help how to interpret it and fix it.
What’s the exact directory you try to read (/run/media/… again?), the output of mount and the respective fstab for it (is there one, or is it automounted?)?

Thank you for your patience :slightly_smiling_face:

The directory is on this disk:

/dev/sda1: BLOCK_SIZE="512" UUID="74887B8F06B25C1C" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="27b8abf7-01"

The auto mount is on, it does NOT shows up in the fstab and if I recall correctly I was downloading into this directory (it is my download directory for my browser.

Now what’s the output of the mount command?
I ask this the third time, there won’t be a forth. Filter the output , if you don’t want to share all mounts: mount |grep ntfs

The output of the mount command, the problematic one is missing:

/dev/sde2 on /run/media/oracle911/Záloha III type ntfs3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1001,iocharset=utf8,uhelper=udisks2)

I usually use the ntfs-3g package to access ntfs filesystems. I suggest you install it and try to mount the problematic one:

mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt -o ro

and have a look at /mnt how your data looks.
If it works: According to Archwiki ntfs-3g will mount in read-only (-o ro) mode automatically when the filesystem has errors, and has a ntfsfix tool. I have no experience with that. Up to you to try.

The package is installed and the result is this:

Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.
The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which
could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.

I run the tools on Windows PE and the content of the Download directory is visible again

Good. ntfs should only be fixed from windoze.
Tools like ntfsfix are not only false security - they can be damaging.

Well I would NOT touch the NTFS disks with Linux tools

Good. With that experience and since you’re not dual-booting W, now is your time to consider which Linux filesystem you want to use.

The native one (ext4?), but I have to move a lot of files…

… to the backup first.
ext4 is a safe bet. Others like xfs and btrfs have newer features that ext4 will never get. Read up on “deduplication” for example, it can be very useful when you work with a lot of files and is best setup from the start (i.e. when the filesystem is initialized). The forum history should have a lot of advice on the decision.

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