Responsible use of AUR

I realized I phrased my question in a bad way. I’m sorry for that.

What I actually was wondering:
Aragorn meantioned that he first uses pacman to update Manjaro and then runs yay to update software from AUR.
If I understand the man pages of these three programs correctly, pamac update --aur does the same.

So is there something I miss and one or the other method is the “better” way to update my system?

(I usually run pamac update --aur sometimes after getting the notification in the tray, as the output there often gives some valuable feedback I would miss via the GUI)

pamac update will update everything including AUR packages if the AUR is enabled

pamac update --aur is actually redundant when the AUR is enabled, see above


yay (same as yay -Syu) will update everything including AUR packages

yay -Su --aur will only update AUR packages


EDIT: Fixes and clarification

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That is true for yay (at least according to the man pages) but for pamac it extends the regular command to also search for AUR packages.
man pamac

       Upgrade your system

       pamac upgrade,update [options]
           --aur, -a
               also upgrade packages installed from AUR

I can also assure you, I just ran the command a few minutes ago and it updated my whole system. :sweat_smile:
Here are the first few lines of the output. It is in German as I didn’t plan to post it here, but I think it is still possible to see that it synchronizes the main repositories and suggests packages from there for an update:

~ >>> pamac update --aur                                                                                                                                                                  
Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
Aktualisierung von core.db...                                                                                                                                                              
Aktualisierung von extra.db...                                                                                                                                                             
Aktualisierung von community.db...                                                                                                                                                         
Aktualisierung von multilib.db...                                                                                                                                                          
Warnung: manjaro-hello: Lokale Version (0.6.7-2) ist neuer als extra (0.6.6-9)                                                                                                             
Abhängigkeiten werden aufgelöst...
Interne Konflikte werden überprüft...

Zu aktualisieren (184):
  libcap                              2.59-1             (2.58-1)             core       80,5 kB
  systemd-libs                        249.4-2            (249.4-1)            core       804,3 kB
  ca-certificates-mozilla             3.71-1             (3.70-1)             core       345,4 kB
  systemd                             249.4-2            (249.4-1)            core       9,0 MB
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I edited my post above. Sorry, was quickly answering on my phone while outside on a :smoking: break. Apparently I left my :brain: inside. :laughing:

Look at you reading the man page! :wink:


You can register on AURweb and get email notifications for pkgbuilds updates, cloning the pkgbuild git repo, update the repo with ‘git pull’ and build with makepkg


That is actually a suboptimal solution, since now the category “All” is not really searching all the repositories, which is neither intuitive nor practial. The proposed solution of a confirmational pressing of Enter would have done much the same and would still have been intuitive for new users.

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To quote @guinux: Let's try if it satisfy everyone then I can think of proper way to add it in the code. For now we have to keep the AUR service alive. Sure it is a little hurdle to find AUR packages now, but the AUR is not recommended from our end anyway. Those who really want the AUR will find it now in the category. Be sure we will work closely together with Arch-Developers to bring back the convenience to our userbase.


AUR is not a repository - so phrasing is adequate.

The AUR have had way too much focus and way to many users may inadvertently have created issues for themselves by experimenting with AUR buildscripts.

To demote AUR to what it really is - an option - is a much better solution forward looking.

Now is the time to close this thread for further comments.