Repeated system hangs/crashes - I suppose it is related to graphics

For a while now I have been trying to understand what this “EC FW Update Tool” is all about. Honestly spoken, up to now I haven’t succeeded. ))-:
The documentation/information on this is extremely poor.

On the Gigabyte website you can only find this zipfile:

It contains these files:

Directory of E:\B450 AORUS PRO\ECFwUpdateB19.0606.1

01/31/2025 10:22 AM .
01/31/2025 10:22 AM …
06/06/2019 06:32 AM 3,393,968 ECFwUpdate.exe
05/16/2019 03:35 AM 2,063,360 Flash.dll
05/16/2019 05:11 AM 3,748,352 IFU_XE32_v1310.exe
01/31/2025 01:41 PM 204 uiset.ini
05/10/2019 08:26 AM 65,536 V615.bin
05/10/2019 08:11 AM 65,536 V623.bin
05/16/2019 03:43 PM 65,536 V632.bin
05/06/2019 09:59 AM 65,536 V679.bin
05/06/2019 09:15 AM 65,536 V684.bin
06/05/2019 05:44 AM 65,536 V817.bin
04/15/2019 08:24 AM 155,648 yccV2.dll
01/31/2025 01:41 PM 7 EC_version.txt

No documentation, no README, nothing …

I n the meantime I built a bootable USB-stick with the Hiren boot CD and have tried to get on with it.

There is no sign of an option to “install” the tool. The zip file contains just two executable files, but none of them is an installation routine…

No matter whether you (double) click on them or start the file from the command line - the result is always the same.

The first, “ECFwUpdate.exe”, complains that “flash.dll” could not be found and then terminates. Is there such a thing as an environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Windows?

The second “IFU_XE32_v1310.exe” complains that no parameter file was specified and then also terminates. Apparently this exe file expects a parameter to be passed … probably one of the many *.bin files … but which one (seems to be related to the mainboard type) ???

I also found postings, that state one could omit the step with that Update Tool, especially if you don’t want to use a Ryzen-CPU of the 3rd generation. I’m not sure if this was a good idea, but the information on this topic is really disastrous … maybe I have no other choice.

Any suggestions very welcome !

It has been several years since I used that tool so I must have deleted the file and info on how I used it.I googled it and found this link.

You might look around online and see if any more sites offer a better solution.

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Thanks for the update - I already knew this post.
It states, V817.bin was the correct binary - regardless of the specific board type.

This website:

on the other hand claims, V684.bin was the correct one …

Just by looking at it seems V817.bin is newer than V684.bin.

Just for the record - I received an answer from Gigabyte’s eSupport that I don’t want to withhold from you:

Dear customer,

Thank you for emailing GIGABYTE.
We would like to help you on this issue.

About the information


  1. If you are using Q-Flash Utility to update BIOS, make sure you have updated BIOS to F32 before F40
  2. Before update BIOS to F40, you have to install EC FW Update Tool (B19.0517.1 or later version) to avoid 4DIMM DDR incompatibility on 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen™ CPU

the EC FW is only for Winodws 10, even not for Winodws 11, when you are useing Linux tehre are not EC FW to insstall.

About BIOS update, if you do not encounter problems using the current version of BIOS, it is recommended that you not flash the BIOS. Because of inadequate BIOS flashing may result in system malfunction.

We suggest use Qflash to update the BIOS, it is a tool within the BIOS do not depend on O.S.



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From personal experience, I can say, in all honesty that I agree.

And just for the record:

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Yes, that looks like a usual response template.

The BIOS can be updated via the BIOS itself – this is fairly common in recent years – The link given by @Mirdarthos should guide you through the process.

Typically, one would download the new BIOS file and copy it to a FAT32 formatted USB; then boot to the current BIOS and use whatever feature is available to perform the update.

Each BIOS brand has a similar function.

Let us know the results.
