Reinstalling Windows?

Do I need to unplug my Manjaro drive? Google says yes, but I think you don’t.

Are you planning to remove Manjaro and switch back to Windows? If so, keep the drive in and reformat the entire thing.

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Disconnect the Manjaro disk until you have finished installing Windows. This safety precaution will ensure that Windows cannot fornicate with your Manjaro installation in any way.

Remember to make sure Fast Startup is disabled in Windows: From an administrative command prompt, issue the following command:

powercfg /h off

Also, verify that Secure Boot remains disabled.

When completed, you can reconnect the Manjaro disk – again, make sure it’s still first in the UEFI BIOS boot order.


I have one question:



Could you perhaps expand on the question and indicate to whom it is directed? :wink:

It was a more hypothetical question about the “why” would someone return back to Windows after using Linux.

My bad if the joke went into the wrong direction. Sorry :frowning:


No harm done. :slight_smile:

In this case the Member has a multiboot system with Manjaro on one disk and Windows on the other; a generally safe approach.

On a personal note, I just (forced myself) to install Windows 11 on another SSD (I also multiboot on this machine), despite having avoided it for so long.

I still have ongoing projects that are greatly inconvenient to manage on another OS. Cést la vie.


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Still have Windows for some games, but the ones I have now seem good under Steam on Manjaro. Anyway, I want to keep Linux just asking if I can leave all drives plugged in. I an all for a Windows free world, but then the viruses etc will focus on other OSs.

It depends. If you have a dual-boot situation where Windoze has it’s own ESP and Manjaro (on another disk) has it’s own ESP as well, then I don’t see the need to unplug the Manjaro disk when reinstalling Windoze.

I would encourage you to try, and see how Windows will install itself on the drive you told it to, but will hijack Manjaro’s boot partition and wipe it for itself. There is no problem when both system are installed, but here he wants to reinstall Windows, so the thing to do is only plug the disk you intend to install Windows to.


I have to go back to windows to get my gaming fix as my poor GPU isn’t spewing as many fps as in windows but I’m getting a second GPU to visualize and forget about dual-boot altogether.

Whilst we have some of the best minds in the world operating on this forum, nobody can actually work out WHY you have one question.

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I apologized already four days ago for trying to make a joke :frowning:

Haha, so you did - sorry. I thought mine was funnier :wink:

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I dual boot off a single drive (only 1 drive available) and twice in the last 6 months a windows update has nuked grub leaving my system unbootable. Luckily I always have a live USB handy and now how to chroot and restore grub now

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