Recovering a licensed Win7 virtual maching using base image in Virtual Machine Manager

there has got to be a typo there - or this was not copy/pasted correctly
0x0.s ↔
… which is simply the wrong address, not the one of the website where this will appear
and which will be returned to you so you can access the output …
It is a pastebin like website …

no - one is -Qqn one is -Qqm

oh god , i had just copy pasted it , i don’t know why it happened

[parasetu@Pasec ~]$ inxi -Fxxc0 | curl -F 'file=@-'
[parasetu@Pasec ~]$ pacman -Qqn | curl -F 'file=@-'
pacman -Qqm | curl -F 'file=@-'
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

mkay - these two are there
I can see them
now for the rest …

have a look at what .pacnew files are and how to deal with them
simply look at
ls -al /etc/pacman.c*

[parasetu@Pasec ~]$  ls -al /etc/pacman.c*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2863 Aug 16 16:32 /etc/pacman.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2502 Apr 18 15:04 /etc/pacman.conf.pacnew

so now you want me to merge this into one file ,

This one is not critical - not yet, anyway.
In this case, it is easy.
Just comment out two lines - and you are good:

#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

so: no
no need to do that (meaning: it’s not urgent right now)

but you have more .pacnew files I’m sure

be very careful with /etc/passwd* and /etc/shells*

how will i be able to list them?

and on looking for merging the files i have found out this command

is it necessary to play with them , if its that risky?

This does not really belong here.
It has been explained many times in many threads and wikis.
I’ll not look for and find and paste the info for you here.

What is relevant here is that you provide the information requested by @linux-aarhus

I just saw that this topic was marked as solved.

No need to continue here - start over with another thread and keep it on one specific topic.

yes - to both parts of the question

… know what you are doing before you go ahead and do it - or have a way to revert what you did