I'm not able to download Free Download Manager from AUR

Is there any alternative way to download FDM?

What error do you receive? I installed it just fine earlier today.

FYI, @nightmare-2021 just added it to the Manjaro community repo. It’s currently only available in the unstable branch, but will come along to testing and stable barring any issues.

curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
==> ERROR: Failure while downloading http://debrepo.freedownloadmanager.org/pool/main/f/freedownloadmanager/freedownloadmanager_6.11.0.3218_amd64.deb
Failed to build freedownloadmanager

i’m in stable branch

The file downloads fine for me. What are you using to build it? Are you up to date?

Yes, i have updated already & building it with pacman pkg manager

I think you mean Pamac. :wink:

Try the old fashioned (read: proper) way:

sudo pacman -Syu --needed base-devel git
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/freedownloadmanager.git
cd freedownloadmanager
makepkg -srcif

It says PKGBUILD doesn’t exist

Oops. See my edit. :point_up:

IDK what went wrong this time

curl: (18) transfer closed with 27986495 bytes remaining to read
==> ERROR: Failure while downloading http://debrepo.freedownloadmanager.org/pool/main/f/freedownloadmanager/freedownloadmanager_6.11.0.3218_amd64.deb

What about the download button on their website? If that works, just rename it to freedownloadmanager-, place it in the freedownloadmanger folder with the PKGBUILD and try makepkg -srcif again.

Now it’s not passing from validity checksum

Strange. It’s the same version. Run updpkgsums to update the checksums then try again.

What was that command for? It worked!

Which one? I suggest reading these Manjaro wiki entries:

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Okay, thanks for the Help!

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