Re: Unstable Update MHWD disussion

Note: Content moved from Unstable Updates to the Member Hub for further discussion and clarification.

I held up the :stop_sign: STOP sign as the premise of the discussion was based on a completely false assumption. Clearing that up was the goal.

Remember everything on the internet is indexed; sometimes within minutes–especially a high-traffic website like this forum.

You saw my reply in the Unstable Updates thread, right?

It appears @cscs was able to answer questions and clear up any confusion. Thankee sai! :+1:

Either way, I understand it can be confusing when a repo package is dropped and an AUR helper offers to update it. However, using the AUR is a user’s own responsibility. It’s up to them to manage and maintain those packages.

Note that this change is only in the Manjaro unstable branch thus far.