for desktop user and have Pi4 already, N100 same price $160.
no more kernel v3d/v4c mesa/opengl/vulkan etc, headache.
ps. again, for desktop user, my2c
Pi4 wifi is weak, so plugin EW-7811Un dongle, it work & fast years ago, until they replace 8192cu to rtl8192cu module.
btw, EW-7811Un is Realtek RTL8188CUS chip.
I pushed the latest kernel packages to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.
I moved the linux-rpi-mainline kernel to the 6.10 branch. The -rc kernel in unstable will be depreciated until the 6.11.y branch is added.
Be advised that 2741 package upgrades was pulled into the unstable branch today so there will be a huge upgrade. Everything seemed to be ok here on my XFCE install after upgrading.
*drm/v3d: Prevent out of bounds access in performance query extensions
*drm/v3d: Fix potential memory leak in the timestamp extension
*drm/v3d: Fix potential memory leak in the performance extension
*drm/v3d: Validate passed in drm syncobj handles in the timestamp extension
*drm/v3d: Validate passed in drm syncobj handles in the
performance extension
off topic, sorry.
vulkin-1.3 coming, my vulkan’s games alive, ha ha ha…
mpv --vo=gpu-next --gpu-api=vulkan --hwdec=vulkan, ha ha ha…
and, won the bet/no Pi5, ha ha ha…