Raspberry Pi Kernels (2.0)

The RPI team has updated all kernel branches:
6.1.23,6.2.10 and 6.3-rc6 are available !

edit : thanks for the releases !


Here we go: the new batch of the week!
6.1.24,6.2.11 and 6.3.0-rc7 are available !

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Thanks for bird dogging. 2 kernels built and 3rd one is compiling. Will push when all tested. I did push the new code package this mourning.


The latest RPi kernel packages have been built and pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync:

linux-rpi4 6.1.24-1
linux-rpi4-headers 6.1.24-1
linux-rpi4-mainline 6.2.11-1
linux-rpi4-mainline-headers 6.2.11-1
linux-rpi4-rc 6.3.rc7-1
linux-rpi4-rc-headers 6.3.rc7-1
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A new week and a new batch of available kernels:
6.1.25,6.2.12 and 6.3.0 !!

UPDATED 05-30-23:

The latest RPi kernel packages has been pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync. The linux-rpi kernel packages may be the last of these to show up in the mirrors. I had to wait a few hours for RPi to upgrade their 6.1.y kernel tree.

linux-rpi4 6.1.31-1
linux-rpi4-headers 6.1.31-1
linux-rpi4-mainline 6.3.4-1
linux-rpi4-mainline-headers 6.3.4-1
linux-rpi4-rc 6.4.rc4-1
linux-rpi4-rc-headers 6.4.rc4-1

6.3.5 is ready^^

Wow! They are on a roll today. @Rip2 Packages are built and being pushed to the unstable branch.

linux-rpi4-mainline 6.3.5-1
linux-rpi4-mainline-headers 6.3.5-1
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I have a question. I saw today a pull request requesting enabling PSI to make waydroid work on the RPi. I have had this enabled for over a year when we were testing OOMD. At that time OOMD would fail but it seems to be working now. Also around about that time waydroid would not work on the RPi.

Since I have been out of the picture with my heart attack for several months has anyone been using waydroid on their KDE wayland installā€™s?

Theses need to be added to cmdline.txt for PSI to work:

cgroup_enable=memory psi=1


ā— systemd-oomd.service - Userspace Out-Of-Memory (OOM) Killer
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-oomd.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-05-08 20:29:46 CDT; 3 weeks 3 days ago
TriggeredBy: ā— systemd-oomd.socket
       Docs: man:systemd-oomd.service(8)
   Main PID: 332 (systemd-oomd)
     Status: "Processing requests..."
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 3919)
     Memory: 1.7M (min: 64.0M low: 64.0M)
        CPU: 234ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/systemd-oomd.service
             ā””ā”€332 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-oomd


Update 6-12-23:

I pushed the latest linux-rpi4-rc kernel packages this mourning to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

linux-rpi4-rc 6.4.rc6-1
linux-rpi4-rc-headers 6.4.rc6-1

Update 6-16-23:

I pushed the latest linux-rpi4 / linux-rpi4-mainline kernel packages this mourning to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

linux-rpi4 6.1.34-1
linux-rpi4-headers 6.1.34-1
linux-rpi4-mainline 6.3.8-1
linux-rpi4-mainline-headers 6.3.8-1

I have spent this week going through the 3 kernel configā€™s removing @115 lines of bloat. I have been meaning to do this last year before my heart attack but never got around to it. The kernels are now leaner and seems to boot faster now.

[ray@jellyfin ~]$ systemd-analyze 
Startup finished in 2.827s (kernel) + 12.578s (userspace) = 15.405s 
graphical.target reached after 12.578s in userspace.

Iā€™m using 6.3.8 and I donā€™t have the same timings:

Startup finished in 4.763s (kernel) + 12.825s (userspace) = 17.588s

Itā€™s almost the double your kernel outcomeā€¦

Guessing you are booting on a ssd also. The only thing I can think of is I have the bootsplash stuff disabled here.

RPi updated their 6.4.y tree this mourning. New kernel packages pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

linux-rpi4-rc 6.4.rc7-1
linux-rpi4-rc-headers 6.4.rc7-1
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@Darksky if you havenā€™t seen it already, the v6.3.9 kernel version is available from the RPI Team repo.

The latest linux-rpi4-mainline kernel packages has been push to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

linux-rpi4-mainline 6.3.9-1
linux-rpi4-mainline-headers 6.3.9-1

Only branch left to do now is on the 6.1.y branch when they update it.

Thanks! I donā€™t know if it has ever happened before but Iā€™ve got this message:

Running build hook: [plymouth] ==> ERROR: file not found: ā€˜/usr/share/pixmaps/archlinux-logo.pngā€™

Something plymouth related must have gotten uninstalled/removed along the way there. I personally do not like the plymouth stuff. I removed everything plymouth related here. I like to see what is going on while it is booting and shutting down. I replaced the RPi raspberry logoā€™s at boot in all kernels with the manjaro mascot logo for each processor about a year ago so I have a little eye candy when it first boots.



RPi finally upgraded their last kernel for this week. New packages pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

linux-rpi4 6.1.35-1
linux-rpi4-headers 6.1.35-1

Just in time for this little keyboard thingy that someone was -throwing away- :slight_smile:

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Lol. I love mine. Actually Since my heart attack this is the only computer I have been using. I am even running jellyfin on it.


[ray@jellyfin ~]$ inxi -Fxz
Kernel: 6.1.35-1-MANJARO-ARM-RPI arch: aarch64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc
v: 12.1.0 Desktop: Xfce v: 4.18.1 Distro: Manjaro ARM base: Arch Linux
Type: ARM System: Raspberry Pi 400 Rev 1.0 details: BCM2835 rev: c03130
Info: quad core model: N/A variant: cortex-a72 bits: 64 type: MCP
arch: ARMv8 rev: 3 cache: L1: 320 KiB L2: 1024 KiB
Speed (MHz): avg: 1400 min/max: 600/2200 cores: 1: 1400 2: 1400 3: 1400
4: 1400 bogomips: 432
Features: Use -f option to see features
Device-1: bcm2711-hdmi0 driver: vc4_hdmi v: N/A bus-ID: N/A
Device-2: bcm2711-hdmi1 driver: vc4_hdmi v: N/A bus-ID: N/A
Device-3: bcm2711-vc5 driver: vc4_drm v: N/A bus-ID: N/A
Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.8 driver: X: loaded: modesetting
unloaded: fbdev dri: vc4
gpu: vc4-drm,vc4_crtc,vc4_dpi,vc4_dsi,vc4_firmware_kms,vc4_hdmi,vc4_hvs,vc4_txp,vc4_v3d,vc4_vec
resolution: 1440x900~75Hz
API: OpenGL v: 2.1 Mesa 23.1.2 renderer: V3D 4.2 direct-render: Yes
Device-1: bcm2711-hdmi0 driver: vc4_hdmi bus-ID: N/A
Device-2: bcm2711-hdmi1 driver: vc4_hdmi bus-ID: N/A
API: ALSA v: k6.1.35-1-MANJARO-ARM-RPI status: kernel-api
Server-1: sndiod v: N/A status: off
Server-2: JACK v: 1.9.22 status: off
Server-3: PipeWire v: 0.3.71 status: active
Device-1: bcm2835-mmc driver: mmc_bcm2835 v: N/A port: N/A bus-ID: N/A
IF: wlan0 state: up mac:
Device-2: bcm2711-genet-v5 driver: bcmgenet v: N/A port: N/A bus-ID: N/A
IF: end0 state: down mac:
IF-ID-1: tun0 state: unknown speed: 10 Mbps duplex: full mac: N/A
Device-1: pl011 driver: uart_pl011 bus-ID: N/A
Report: rfkill ID: hci0 rfk-id: 0 state: up address: see --recommends
Device-2: pl011 driver: N/A bus-ID: N/A
Report: This feature requires one of these tools: hciconfig/bt-adapter
Local Storage: total: 141.52 GiB used: 91.87 GiB (64.9%)
ID-1: /dev/mmcblk0 model: SL32G size: 29.72 GiB
ID-2: /dev/sda vendor: Western Digital model: WDS120G2G0B-00EPW0
size: 111.8 GiB type: USB
ID-1: / size: 109.73 GiB used: 91.82 GiB (83.7%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda2
ID-2: /boot size: 213.4 MiB used: 52.8 MiB (24.8%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/sda1
ID-1: swap-1 type: zram size: 5.55 GiB used: 1.2 MiB (0.0%) dev: /dev/zram0
System Temperatures: cpu: 37.0 C mobo: N/A
Fan Speeds (RPM): N/A
Processes: 235 Uptime: 9h 21m Memory: available: 3.7 GiB
used: 1.98 GiB (53.3%) gpu: 76 MiB Init: systemd Compilers: gcc: 12.1.0
clang: 15.0.7 Packages: 1496 Shell: Bash v: 5.1.16 inxi: 3.3.27

:scream_cat: ā€¦ well, Iā€™m glad you are ok. Jeez.