Raspberry Pi Kernels (2.0)

The latest raspberrypi-bootloader and rpi-eeprom with bug fixes has been pushed to the testing & unstable branches when the mirrors sync.

Long story short the rpi-eeprom bugfix has to do with corruption in the File Allocation Table They don’t really know how it has been working for most people but one guy file filed a bug report after updating his eeprom and had to flash a recovery image.


The raspberrypi-bootloader packages fixes an issue with the pi3 bluetooth.

raspberrypi-bootloader 20220725-1
raspberrypi-bootloader-x 20220725-1
rpi-eeprom 20220726-1

Hi @Darksky, I wonder if you are going to provide 5.18.15 for mainline (available from rpi team repo) or go directly to 5.19 ?

Maybe you’re just off and it’s also ok ! :wink:

Darksky had a heart attack a couple of days back, which is why there has been no updates for a little while. Last we heard, there was talk about a possible bypass operation, but we haven’t heard since.

I hope it is not too serious and I wish him a quick recovery.

so my question is irrelevant… forget it

As far as I know, Darksky follows the rpi team repo pretty tightly, so it won’t change until theirs do at least.

can use linux-rc instead?

so, no other Devs take over this project?

The packages will get updated (I just updated linux-rpi4 yesterday), but it might not be as often as @Darksky did.

Also, we fully expect that he is ready to continue his great work when he feels like he has recovered.

Sorry but today is the first day I have felt like posting since my heart attack. I went to the emergency room thinking I had neck problems and it turned out I was having a heart attack. They were not giving me any hope of making it through surgery due to a situation of being between a rock and hard place with all of my arteries to my heart blocked and major organs shutting down. The only option they had was to put in a mechanical impeller heart pump with of part of it inside me and part of it outside to keep my heart going during surgery. They then removed the heart pump. All said and done I had 4 surgery’s and spent 14 days in CCU.

I have come out of this being a full pledged diabetic. I had to move in with my youngest son and his family so my daughter in law could take care of me. She has really been a blessing. I am way ahead of the curve learning to walk again. I have been walking with out a walker for @4 days now.

All I have with me is my pi400 and realistically think I have a couple of months to go. My oldest boy boy bought 5 acres of land as he wanted all of our family to be close instead of being 80 miles apart. So I will probably will wait until after moving before I can get set up again.


That’s going to be very expensive exercise.

Best wishes and speedy recovery Darksky. Stay blessed :fist_right:.


Dear Darksky,

First and foremost, I wish you a speedy recovery and best of health moving forward!
Needless to say, your well-being comes first. It’s great that you have a caring family to support you!

We are looking forward to welcoming you back - recovered and full of your usual tinkering energy!


I wish you a speed recovery. :crossed_fingers:

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update to 6.0-rc3, looks good.

I hope you get well again, soon, and make a full recovery. Keep working hard, but not too hard, on your physiotherapy. All the best wishes from me.


Wow, what an experience you have been through.
It is really good to see you post again, I was rather worried.

My heart felt best wishes!

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I don’t know who is responsible for the new linux rpi4 mainline 5.19.9 but thanks for it !

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I guess it’s you @Strit though :wink:
Yesterday, the RPI Team had 7 commits related to drm/vc4. Do you plan to rebuild the 5.19.9 with these new commits ?

got this message, does it kernel matter?

iw phy phy0 interface add mon0 type monitor
command failed: Operation not supported (-95)

does kernel-6 move to mainline?