RAM usage for XFCE

Could a not updated BIOS be responsable for this excessive RAM usage?

I guess that this is the problem. I’ll try it and let you know

It’s not excessive. It’s totally normal.
I don’t understand what you are concerned about. :man_shrugging:

Well, while we are at guessing instead of knowing:
my guess is: it is not - because there is no problem to begin with.
Only a perceived one.

But if there is a Bios update - update it.
Hope you don’t brick the machine in the process - because this is a potentially risky procedure which I’d not do without good reason, while everything works.

best wishes!

Ridicules… but hey… here something to compare:

$ smem -k -t  
  PID User     Command                         Swap      USS      PSS      RSS 
  921 max      inotifywait -q -e create /h   140.0K     4.0K    14.0K     1.4M 
 8838 max      wob -c /home/max/.config/wo   256.0K     4.0K    16.0K     1.5M 
 8840 max      wob -c /home/max/.config/wo   260.0K     4.0K    16.0K     1.5M 
 8837 max      tail -f /home/max/.cache/sw   112.0K     4.0K    17.0K     1.5M 
  922 max      xargs notify-send Screensho   112.0K     4.0K    18.0K     1.6M 
 8839 max      tail -f /home/max/.cache/sw   112.0K     4.0K    18.0K     1.6M 
 1335 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    3.0M        0    21.0K     1.2M 
 1785 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    3.0M        0    22.0K     1.3M 
 1797 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    3.9M        0    33.0K     1.2M 
 1347 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    3.9M        0    36.0K     1.2M 
 1306 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    4.7M        0    49.0K     2.6M 
 1758 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    4.6M        0    52.0K     2.7M 
43172 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    3.0M     4.0K    78.0K     1.6M 
 1350 max      /usr/share/zsh-theme-powerl   224.0K    40.0K    86.0K     3.2M 
 1800 max      /usr/share/zsh-theme-powerl   224.0K    40.0K    86.0K     3.2M 
43185 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    3.8M        0    92.0K     1.6M 
  966 max      sh -c [ -x "$(command -v pl   640.0K    28.0K    93.0K     1.1M 
  894 max      wl-paste --watch pkill -RTM    60.0K   100.0K   117.0K     1.6M 
 1348 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    3.8M    84.0K   117.0K     1.0M 
  892 max      wl-paste --watch cliphist s    56.0K   100.0K   118.0K     1.5M 
 1798 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    3.8M    88.0K   119.0K     1.0M 
  865 max      /bin/sh /usr/share/sway/scr   440.0K     4.0K   128.0K     2.4M 
  899 max      sh -c [ -x "$(command -v sw   440.0K     4.0K   129.0K     2.4M 
  986 max      wlsunset -l 52.3409 -L 9.83    68.0K   120.0K   140.0K     2.2M 
  867 max      /bin/sh /usr/share/sway/scr   640.0K     4.0K   143.0K     2.4M 
46340 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    2.9M    20.0K   144.0K     1.9M 
  923 max      sh -c [ -x "$(command -v pl   636.0K        0   150.0K     2.6M 
  961 max      poweralertd -s -i line powe   188.0K   104.0K   159.0K     2.6M 
  863 max      swayidle -w timeout 240 lig   228.0K   124.0K   165.0K     2.6M 
43187 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    3.7M    92.0K   174.0K     1.4M 
  827 max      swaybg -o * -i /usr/share/b   760.0K   124.0K   205.0K     6.6M 
43088 max      /usr/lib/gvfsd-network --sp     1.6M   172.0K   297.0K     6.6M 
 1005 max      /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --conf   248.0K   196.0K   306.0K     3.8M 
43095 max      /usr/lib/gvfsd-dnssd --spaw     1.5M   188.0K   319.0K     6.9M 
  781 max      /usr/bin/gamemoded            112.0K   292.0K   321.0K     2.4M 
46366 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    3.0M     8.0K   378.0K     2.4M 
 1035 max      /usr/lib/at-spi2-registryd    688.0K   328.0K   390.0K     6.1M 
46369 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    2.9M    92.0K   451.0K     2.2M 
43188 max      /usr/share/zsh-theme-powerl   128.0K   224.0K   456.0K     3.9M 
  999 max      /usr/lib/at-spi-bus-launche   596.0K   416.0K   484.0K     6.1M 
  965 max      playerctl -a metadata --for   268.0K   436.0K   488.0K     5.0M 
46373 max      /usr/share/zsh-theme-powerl   124.0K   312.0K   540.0K     4.0M 
 1046 max      /usr/lib/xdg-permission-sto   276.0K   512.0K   567.0K     5.4M 
 1025 max      /usr/lib/gvfsd-fuse /run/us   492.0K   540.0K   628.0K     5.3M 
  959 max      /usr/lib/dconf-service        120.0K   608.0K   661.0K     5.1M 
 1011 max      /usr/lib/gvfsd                992.0K   624.0K   680.0K     5.7M 
 1043 max      /usr/lib/xdg-document-porta   460.0K   676.0K   761.0K     6.1M 
 1083 max      /usr/lib/xdg-desktop-portal     8.6M   432.0K   790.0K     7.2M 
 1209 max      /usr/lib/gvfs-mtp-volume-mo   172.0K   732.0K   807.0K     5.7M 
43067 max      /usr/lib/gvfsd-trash --spaw     1.1M   748.0K   896.0K     7.1M 
43262 max      /usr/lib/gvfsd-metadata            0   828.0K   923.0K     6.0M 
  912 max      sworkstyle -d -l info         828.0K   992.0K  1005.0K     2.8M 
  780 max      /usr/bin/appimagelauncherd      3.4M   632.0K     1.0M    10.7M 
  889 max      foot -c /usr/share/sway/tem   980.0K     1.1M     1.1M     6.4M 
 1038 max      /usr/lib/xdg-desktop-portal   900.0K     1.1M     1.2M     8.7M 
 1060 max      /usr/lib/gvfs-udisks2-volum     1.3M     1.2M     1.4M     9.6M 
 1094 max      /usr/bin/pipewire-media-ses     4.9M     1.2M     1.6M    11.0M 
 2312 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c     9.1M   468.0K     1.6M    40.3M 
  790 max      /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --sess   236.0K     1.6M     1.7M     5.2M 
 8277 max      Xwayland :0 -rootless -term    27.1M     1.3M     1.8M    10.3M 
  871 max      mako -c /usr/share/sway/tem     8.7M     1.6M     1.8M    11.0M 
45575 max      /usr/bin/ssh -oForwardX11 n   400.0K   656.0K     1.8M     5.8M 
  773 max      /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --     2.1M     1.4M     2.2M     6.9M 
 2807 max      htop                          324.0K     2.3M     2.4M     5.4M 
 1757 max      foot -c /usr/share/sway/tem     3.1M     1.4M     2.5M     9.0M 
 1305 max      foot -c /usr/share/sway/tem     4.0M     1.7M     2.6M     9.1M 
  874 max      /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/fl    11.3M     2.4M     2.6M     6.1M 
45565 max      /usr/lib/gvfsd-sftp --spawn   472.0K     2.3M     2.7M     9.2M 
 2620 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    10.9M     1.6M     2.8M    37.5M 
57708 max      htop                               0     2.7M     2.9M     6.0M 
45573 max      /usr/bin/ssh -oForwardX11 n   340.0K     1.5M     2.9M     7.8M 
 1093 max      /usr/bin/pipewire               3.8M     2.5M     2.9M     8.1M 
43144 max      foot -c /usr/share/sway/tem     3.2M     2.0M     3.2M    10.8M 
46304 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    1.3M     2.7M     3.4M     7.6M 
  855 max      /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polki    10.2M     3.1M     3.5M    21.3M 
43145 max      /usr/bin/zsh                    1.6M     3.1M     3.6M     7.2M 
46302 max      foot -c /usr/share/sway/tem     2.7M     2.6M     3.9M    11.4M 
  983 max      /usr/sbin/python /usr/bin/n    23.4M     3.6M     4.1M    21.0M 
 1174 max      /usr/bin/pipewire-pulse         9.9M     4.4M     4.8M    10.6M 
  848 max      waybar -c /usr/share/sway/t    10.5M     6.7M     7.5M    25.4M 
 2619 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    17.4M     6.1M     7.9M    45.9M 
  905 max      pcmanfm -d                      7.4M     8.8M    11.3M    33.2M 
  880 max      /usr/sbin/python /usr/bin/a     1.3M    11.2M    11.5M    14.7M 
57786 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c   276.0K    15.9M    18.5M    94.6M 
57748 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c   276.0K    15.9M    18.6M    95.8M 
57716 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c   276.0K    15.9M    18.6M    96.2M 
 2338 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    24.1M    16.5M    18.8M    89.9M 
57807 max      python /usr/bin/smem -k -t         0    20.5M    20.9M    24.4M 
57605 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c   276.0K    18.2M    21.2M   103.5M 
  783 max      sway                           75.3M    11.5M    24.8M    50.0M 
 5772 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    26.2M    22.9M    25.2M    97.4M 
42497 max      python3 /usr/bin/manuskript    64.5M    21.3M    26.6M    44.7M 
44467 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    37.8M    24.5M    28.1M   124.7M 
44821 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    12.9M    25.0M    28.7M   124.6M 
44780 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    11.9M    26.0M    29.7M   124.5M 
45035 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    41.5M    26.5M    30.4M   127.7M 
44582 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    32.1M    27.1M    31.1M   129.6M 
 2370 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    27.8M    39.3M    41.7M   114.9M 
44368 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    50.4M    40.1M    43.7M   140.7M 
46778 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    12.4M    40.5M    44.4M   142.9M 
 2372 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    28.0M    42.7M    45.1M   117.4M 
28983 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    29.8M    44.4M    47.7M   136.9M 
52952 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c   276.0K    44.7M    49.3M   149.8M 
 2548 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c   181.1M    48.6M    51.2M   125.2M 
39201 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    14.6M    62.6M    66.5M   162.4M 
44333 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    29.8M    63.6M    67.4M   165.4M 
45006 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    79.6M    63.8M    67.6M   166.5M 
44501 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    90.8M    64.2M    69.9M   172.7M 
36483 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    16.4M    71.6M    75.4M   169.6M 
55731 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c   276.0K    78.2M    83.8M   188.7M 
55680 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c   284.0K    89.6M    97.3M   207.3M 
 2491 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    26.8M   100.8M   103.4M   176.3M 
53924 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c   284.0K   111.7M   119.4M   230.1M 
55061 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c   284.0K   127.6M   136.6M   249.6M 
 3000 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox -c    29.2M   180.6M   183.9M   261.1M 
 2256 max      /usr/lib/firefox/firefox      123.5M   290.7M   301.8M   400.0M 
  116 1                                        1.3G     1.9G     2.1G     5.3G 
$ free -h 
              gesamt       benutzt     frei      gemns.  Puffer/Cache verfügbar
Speicher:      3,7Gi       2,7Gi       146Mi       351Mi       908Mi       452Mi
Swap:          9,8Gi       1,3Gi       8,4Gi

Sway ate all my RAM! ~25 MB! That is too high! No… Firefox is not the problem at all, it is sway! :clown_face:

Okay a bit irony… but you see that firefox is the greedy application here and you are not the only one seeing that. :wink:

Well yeah… it is a 4GB RAM Laptop with a dualcore Atom CPU . it still works, so I use it. Most of the time I connect via remote session to my workstation. I like that laptop because it has a working video acceleration and is fanless, so it is neat for writing.

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