Hello, did something change in the way Kate stores session data? I ask because I’ve been using it for maybe two years now–ever since starting to use Manjaro–and I’m fairly certain that all my saved sessions were restored in the exact same tab order, even in vertically split screens. But after the last update each restore re-orders the tabs and I’m not sure what that order is. At first I thought it was ordered by the last save time but I don’t think that is correct.
Anyway, is there a setting somewhere that I need to reset or add, now, that will persist the tab order?
Also, under Tools → Indentation, I select None. I have never been able to locate where that setting can be set “globally” for all files or saved for a session or specific files. At every restart, the indentation has to be selected again for each file. Is there a setting to make this persist or be the default?
I’ve customized many of the settings–mostly formatting–but I haven’t seen anything for these two. Likely, they’re right in front of my face and I’m not seeing them.
I forgot to mention (and forgot that I did) that I have tried that in the past and just checked the settings now and I have “Default indentation mode” set to “None”; but it still starts off at every reboot (even for a restored session in which already set it to none by file/tab under Tools) with C style indentation.
Thanks for the link to the bug page; I’ll have to start looking there, too.