Python2-urllib3 fails to build in stable

Trying to build python2-urllib3:

[user@manjaro-kde ~]$ pamac update -a
Synchronizing package databases...
Refreshing AUR...                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Cloning python2-urllib3 build files...                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Generating python2-urllib3 information...
Checking python2-urllib3 dependencies...
Checking python2-toml dependencies...
Checking python2-requests dependencies...
Checking python2-webencodings dependencies...
Checking python2-cachecontrol dependencies...
Cloning python2-typing build files...
Generating python2-typing information...
Checking python2-typing dependencies...
Checking python2-html5lib dependencies...
Checking python2-retrying dependencies...
Checking python2-colorama dependencies...
Checking python2-chardet dependencies...
Checking python2-numpy dependencies...
Checking python2-pytest-expect dependencies...
Checking python2-u-msgpack dependencies...
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...

To build (13):
  python2-urllib3        1.26.11-1              (1.26.7-1)    AUR
  python2-chardet        4.0.0-3                (4.0.0-2)     AUR
  python2-requests       2.27.1.r5.gfa1b0a36-1  (2.26.0-1)    AUR
  python2-cachecontrol   0.12.6-7               (0.12.6-5)    AUR
  python2-colorama       0.4.5-1                (0.4.4-3)     AUR
  python2-webencodings   0.5.1-7                (0.5.1-6)     AUR
  python2-u-msgpack      2.7.1-3                              AUR
  python2-pytest-expect  1.1.0-8                              AUR
  python2-html5lib       1.1-12                 (1.1-8)       AUR
  python2-retrying       1.3.3-13               (1.3.3-9)     AUR
  python2-numpy          1.16.6-2                             AUR
  python2-toml           0.10.2-7               (0.10.2-3)    AUR
  python2-typing             (  AUR

Edit build files : [e] 
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N]
test_source_address failed (1 runs remaining out of 2).
        <type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>
        assert '::1' == ''
  - ::1
        [<TracebackEntry /var/tmp/pamac-build-user/python2-urllib3/src/urllib3-1.26.11/test/with_dummyserver/>]
test_source_address failed; it passed 0 out of the required 1 times.
        <type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>
        assert '::1' == ''
  - ::1
        [<TracebackEntry /var/tmp/pamac-build-user/python2-urllib3/src/urllib3-1.26.11/test/with_dummyserver/>]
test_source_address_error failed (1 runs remaining out of 2).
        <class 'builtins.Failed'>
        DID NOT RAISE <class 'urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError'>
        [<TracebackEntry /var/tmp/pamac-build-user/python2-urllib3/src/urllib3-1.26.11/test/with_dummyserver/>]
test_source_address_error failed; it passed 0 out of the required 1 times.
        <class 'builtins.Failed'>
        DID NOT RAISE <class 'urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError'>
        [<TracebackEntry /var/tmp/pamac-build-user/python2-urllib3/src/urllib3-1.26.11/test/with_dummyserver/>]
test_stream_keepalive passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_connect_reconn passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_connect_ipv6_addr passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_https_proxymanager_connected_to_http_proxy[http] passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_ssl_failure_midway_through_conn passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_ssl_read_timeout failed (1 runs remaining out of 2).
        <class 'urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError'>
        HTTPSConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=39387): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=39387): Read timed out. (read timeout=0.01)",))
        [<TracebackEntry /var/tmp/pamac-build-user/python2-urllib3/src/urllib3-1.26.11/test/with_dummyserver/>, <TracebackEntry /var/tmp/pamac-build-user/python2-urllib3/src/urllib3-1.26.11/src/urllib3/>, <TracebackEntry /var/tmp/pamac-build-user/python2-urllib3/src/urllib3-1.26.11/src/urllib3/util/>]
test_ssl_read_timeout failed; it passed 0 out of the required 1 times.
        <class 'urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError'>
        HTTPSConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=38597): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=38597): Read timed out. (read timeout=0.01)",))
        [<TracebackEntry /var/tmp/pamac-build-user/python2-urllib3/src/urllib3-1.26.11/test/with_dummyserver/>, <TracebackEntry /var/tmp/pamac-build-user/python2-urllib3/src/urllib3-1.26.11/src/urllib3/>, <TracebackEntry /var/tmp/pamac-build-user/python2-urllib3/src/urllib3-1.26.11/src/urllib3/util/>]
test_ssl_failed_fingerprint_verification passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_retry_ssl_error passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_ssl_load_default_certs_when_empty passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_ssl_dont_load_default_certs_when_given passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_load_verify_locations_exception passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_ssl_custom_validation_failure_terminates passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_requesting_large_resources_via_ssl[True-None] passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_requesting_large_resources_via_ssl[False-None] passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_requesting_large_resources_via_ssl[False-2147483648] passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_bad_statusline passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_unknown_protocol passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_headers_are_sent_with_the_original_case passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_ua_header_can_be_overridden passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_request_headers_are_sent_in_the_original_order passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_response_headers_are_returned_in_the_original_order passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_header_text_plain passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_header_message_rfc822 passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_chunked_head_response_does_not_hang passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_empty_head_response_does_not_hang passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_stream_none_unchunked_response_does_not_hang passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_enforce_content_length_get passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_enforce_content_length_no_body passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_pool_size_retry_drain_fail passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_ignore_broken_pipe_errors passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!
test_multipart_assert_header_parsing_no_defects passed 1 out of the required 1 times. Success!

===End Flaky Test Report===
============================================================================ 4 failed, 1615 passed, 286 skipped, 56 deselected, 148 warnings in 161.28 seconds =============================================================================
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().

python2 was dropped, so you could have problems updating it, so if you are not using any python2 packages, you can remove them, otherwise blacklist those that you have problem building from updating …

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