If you don’t have enough lines logged in your terminal, increase it to 10000 lines or more in your terminal emulator settings. //EDIT: in Konsole, in the top menu go to Settings, Edit Current Profile, go to Scrolling, set it to 50000 lines it will be enough.
What I meant is clean everything, especially the packages mentioned earlier. Make sure there is no left over related to previous installation.
Be on Unstable branch to avoid any kind of issue regarding packages discrepancies.
Do a CLEAN BUILD of everything. I’m assuming you did not.
As I said I just reinstalled it to prove it works earlier. It works. Also if you do not have the Proton VPN available in your application menu, something is wrong, you should have it there.
I have tested the full build (including AUR dependencies) and subsequently the functionality of the following AUR packages on 2024-08-16T04:45:00Z
Using makepkg - you must resolve all dependencies manually in the right order - tedios task - I advise to do the folloing in a terminal.
mkdir ~/protonvpn
cd ~/protonvpn
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/proton-vpn-gtk-app
cd ~/protonvpn/proton-vpn-gtk-app
pamac build
The resulting installation is working as expected.
$ myip
Your public IP is:
$ traceroute forum.manjaro.org
traceroute to forum.manjaro.org (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 _gateway ( 53.212 ms 53.219 ms 53.553 ms
2 vlan301.as08.cph1.dk.m247.ro ( 54.424 ms 54.717 ms 54.821 ms
3 * * *
4 * be-1-3101.bb1n.cph1.dk.m247.ro ( 55.323 ms be-2-3102.bb1n.cph1.dk.m247.ro ( 57.474 ms
5 hetzner.interxionfra11.nl-ix.net ( 65.691 ms 65.965 ms 66.043 ms
6 core8.fra.hetzner.com ( 66.742 ms 65.455 ms 65.454 ms
7 core31.hel1.hetzner.com ( 85.255 ms core31.hel1.hetzner.com ( 85.186 ms core31.hel1.hetzner.com ( 85.219 ms
8 * * *
9 spine1.cloud1.hel1.hetzner.com ( 86.280 ms spine2.cloud1.hel1.hetzner.com ( 86.421 ms spine2.cloud1.hel1.hetzner.com ( 86.696 ms
10 * * *
11 15346.your-cloud.host ( 86.361 ms 86.462 ms 86.760 ms
12 static. ( 87.140 ms 90.757 ms 90.760 ms
There is on gotcha - the packatges are mutually exclusive. You must remove one to build and install the other.
This is my personal repo
You can simply add the repo as a custom repo in pacman.conf
Be aware that the repo may disappear without notice - packages likewise
And the use of 3rd party repositories is unsupported on Manjaro.
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server = https://uex.dk/repos/nixrepo/x86_64
But then, you, linux-aarhus, are willing to maintain said package? For how long? For which branch?
I do not think it is a good idea.
The build works. I did it, you did it. Others did it.
The good thing is to find out where the user fails, not to spoon feed a prebuild package (there are apparently flatpaks or whatever available), that will not solve the issue here. Something is wrong on the user side.
Another GOOD solution would be to add the whole shebang to Manjaro official repositories. Officially.
As I point out it is a verification that it works.
It is meant solely as PoC so that others reading this thread realize they are doing something wrong.
It is my personal repo - I have all my personal stuff, email et.al. with Proton AG.
But you are right - 3rd party repositories is unsupported in each and every aspect - including my nixrepo. Based on your feedback I added disclaimers to the above topic.
I build ISO’s - for my own use - they are available too - I don’t see the difference with a repo - everybody knows it is unsupported.
If some poor user can take advantage - I don’t mind - as long as I don’t get bothered with issues pertaining to their their inablility to do the work themselves.
Unless Proton goes out of business - I will be using Proton for many years to come - that includes the VPN.
Absolutely - but as Proton AG only supports Debain, Ubuntu and Fedora (Red Hat) it would be futile to add Proton Apps to the official repo without their acknowledgement.
I tried to post the output of my terminal but the forum wouldn’t allow the amount of lines.
What I have found for myself from all of this. I installed proton-vpn-gtk-app successfully on my laptop which has a near fresh install of Manjaro. So I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong. I think there must be some kind of dependency issue, either a missing or a conflicting dependency. Or maybe some other interfering factor.
I feel certain that a fresh Manjaro install would solve this although that is frustrating as this install is only 2 maybe 3 months old.
Either way I don’t think keep repeating doing the same thing on this install will prove anything when Its clear that I can install the app on a mostly vanilla install on my Laptop.
You proved yourself there is definitely something wrong on your installation or something you’re not doing according to what we’re telling you. A new Manjaro installation is obviously not the same as your system where you already messed with the AUR and this package specifically.
Logs? maybe we can see obvious things in it.
Your point? It builds on a new Manjaro installation, as well as everyone else system here in the thread, but your current Manjaro installation. Indeed doing the same thing may not help, but maybe you’re not doing something that should be done but only by providing information we can see that.
OK I’ve tried again. I have removed all programs and their dependencies that have anything to do with any previous protonvpn install.
I cleared the yay cache with rm -rf ~/.cache/yay
Then I rebooted and ran the install for proton-vpn-gtk-app Here is the output from that.
Aside from the fact that it says Build file exist (which I dont understand after running rm -rf ~/.cache/yay I dont see any obvious errors. But at the end it still doesnt create a menu item nor will it launch from terminal.
Did you verify the command was successful after deleting the Yay cache?
What is the output of ls -l /usr/share/applications/protonvpn.desktop
Can you try a new user to see if it fails to launch there too?
//EDIT: you can clean everything again remove it all, and use linus-aarhus repository to install it to verify it is not a build issue but a system wide issue.
After adding the repo to Pacman config, I guess simply do pacman -Syu proton-vpn-gtk-app
build files are the various PKGBUILD and other files needed for yay (which uses makepkg) to build the package(s)
It’s just telling you that it has got all it needs to start building.
there where none
in my Xfce4 desktop, it appears in the network category (Internet) -
which is also what the .desktop file says
OK if it works for you, glad it worked. But in your position I would want to understand what is going on and fix it :D. If you want to pursue this, we can give new advices to hunt the issue now that we have a clearer idea on what is going on. Something on the local user is messing things up.
I would also suggest to clean everything again and reinstall from the AUR if you installed the pre-built packages from the custom repository, as said there is no guarantee it will continue to work in the future or continue to be maintained. Also remove the repository before reinstalling from AUR. It’s up to you but that seems the better option to me (not the most convenient as you’ll need to builmd Proton VPN yourself instead of just installing linus-aarhus packages).
Thank you for your time and help tracking this issue down. I guess in the future trying things on a new profile is a good way to go.
I am fine installing from AUR. I keep AUR packages to a minimum.
I would be interested to see what the culprit is in my profile but I dont know if that is going to be a nightmare to track down.
My biggest concern now is If I make a new profile as default how can I go about it so that the new profile is also called ‘thedatabug’ or should I maybe make a new profile. COpy everything from the old to the new and then slowly copy back needed configs?
Yes it is indeed a good common troubleshooting step to simply check if a user config/script/whatever somewhere in the user folder is breaking things.
I would try simple things like cleaning everything related to Proton VPN in the local folder of your “broken” user. For example, delete (or rename for safe keeping) ~/.config/protonvpn and see if you can run Proton VPN. Look into ~/.local/share/applications/ and see if you have a Proton VPN desktop file that hides it from your user in application menu (if so, post the content here so we can look at it). Here are first steps to troubleshoot the “broken” user.
If you want to switch to a new user and be done with it, you can not reuse the same username/login obviously, you can have the same DISPLAY name though which is only cosmetic.
When the new user is created you could add it to your old user group which should give you access to the old user folder in theory (not sure here, I have different permissions on some old users and some new users folders on my machine so maybe the defaults changed or I messed something up).
Another way could be to logout of the broken user, login to the new one, rename the old user home folder, recreate it with the proper name, give it proper permission for the old user, and copy the base configs from etc/skel (//EDIT: copy the whole content, including the HIDDEN FILES) to this newly created folder, from here you should have a “fresh” user profile, which could access the old user folder so it is easier to manage file recovery from old to new user folder.
I don’t have time to detail everything, and I’m not sure what would be the best for you. As for the config files/folders I would not recommend importing anything related to the desktop itself, just reconfigure it it is not too hard, maybe for specific programs you may want to import these files/folders (web browser, mail client, important things like that) but I would start fresh mostly.