Problem mounting SSD

I recently changed to Linux and everything seems to be doing fine except that i seem to be unable to properly mount a secondary SSD that i had installed when i was still using windows.
I have used Gparted to try and create a proper partition but it just doesnt work properly, i can get m file explorer to detect it but i am unable to create folders or move data inside the SSD i don`t know what to do

Hello and welcome to the Manjaro Community. :smiley:

When I first read your post I somehow skipped over the very obvious part where you said you’d tried to create a new partition.

I’d follow @cscs 's post below.

Just to add: have you taken ownership of the mountpoint you are using, or are you mounting it in a directory in your /home?

If the former:

sudo chown $USER:$USER <path-to-mountpoint>

(remove the trailing / if you use autocomplete).


On the other hand I think this might sound like @mmmmm_tacos did create a partition, likely in a permissions-aware format such as ext4, but is not familiar with how to manage permissions.

Not a mounting problem.

We could start with something like

lsblk -f

to see information about the partition in question.


Can you show the picture, when you create a partition on that disc ?

Sorr for the delay, so far now i have followed This tutorial to try to solve my problem, but got stuck on the last step since after the

sudo chown $USER:$USER <path-to-mountpoint>

command the ssd has disappeared from the file manager and has become unable to use, this is how -f looks like

│    vfat   FAT32           4BBE-DD14                             299.1M     0% /boot/efi
     ext4   1.0             91cd6650-d370-4cc8-8e98-e912427a7761    377G    14% /
     ext4   1.0   GArchives d0fcf860-e39b-48be-96fe-0abbaeb22f35  869.2G     0% /srv/GArchives

something i have to say is that the ssd has a 1tb capacity so i don`t know why it shows 869.2G, even on GParted it showed the 1tb

Why mounting to


Better create a sub-folder in your ~ folder and mount the partition into it.


Sorry, i am new to linux so i still don`t know what is best for this, could you please elaborate?

The /srv directory is dedicated for data of services provided by the system.

How did you mount the partition, by command or via /etc/fstab?

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via /etc/stab
so /srv is not recommended for this and i should instead use a folder in /home, for example?

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Yes, that’s recommendable.

I would use a folder below /home/{your user}

{your user} to be replaced with your user name.

Also, it would be helpful if you share your /etc/fstab with us.


Yes of course

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a device; this may
# be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even if
# disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system>             <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
UUID=4BBE-DD14                            /boot/efi      vfat    defaults,umask=0077 0 2
UUID=91cd6650-d370-4cc8-8e98-e912427a7761 /              ext4    defaults   0 1
tmpfs                                     /tmp           tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
UUID=d0fcf860-e39b-48be-96fe-0abbaeb22f35 /srv/GArchives ext4 defaults,noatime 0 0

OK, just create the directory and replace the mount point in your /etc/fstab. Then reboot.

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Very well, thanks a lot, i am going to reboot now so brb
I have rebooted, should i run

sudo chown


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First, I would try if it works without.

The folder ~ is already owned by you, so I would expect the new folder carries already the right ownership.

But it won’t hurt.


sudo mount -a would do.


You shouldn’t need to if mounted in your user /home. Only if e.g. /DATA or whatever.

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You are absolutely right, it works now and i can already use it normally
Thanks a lot you are a life saver


Very nice to hear!

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