Pomodoro-logger not starting

Hi all, first post so my huge appreciation in advance if anyone can shed light on this.

I’ve installed pomodoro-logger on two computers, and both start incredibly briefly (a second or less) then shut down straight away.

Just wondering whether anyone had had success with installing - it’s in the AUR repository so I assume that it ‘should’ install without problems and that others have had better luck!

Many thanks,

Custom packages are unsupported - and so is the functiionality they claim to provide

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If you launch it from cli what errors does it show? Might give you some pointers. Also are there any pinned comments on the aur web page, always good to read them quite often there are fixes there

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@davidoclubb Does it launch with pomodoro-logger --no-sandbox? If it does then you can follow the below steps to fix the issue. Make sure you reboot afterwards:

mkdir -p "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/applications"
cp -a "/usr/share/applications/pomodoro-logger.desktop" "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/applications/pomodoro-logger.desktop"
sed -i -e 's,"/opt/Pomodoro Logger/pomodoro-logger" %U,"/opt/Pomodoro Logger/pomodoro-logger" --no-sandbox %U,' "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/applications/pomodoro-logger.desktop"

Thanks @ishaan2479 and @sawdoctor, I will have a go!!

This fixed the problem, thank you so much!

Apparently the package its installed as root, so you need execute it as su.

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