Last week I upgraded to the latest stable Manjaro and subsequently Plasma 6 (from Plasma 5) and my Task Manager bar is exhibiting aberrant behavior: It keeps jumping to the Top-left of my screen, seemingly randomly sometimes when I minimize/restore windows. I have it placed in the Bottom Center but often when I switch virtual desktops, or even minimize and restore windows (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Dolphin file explorer), it will jump from bottom-center to top-left. Even when it doesn’t jump to the top-left it will sometimes “settle” a couple pixels lower or be hovering a couple pixels above the bottom of the screen based on minimize/restore.
I am able to temporarily restore it by right-clicking and “Enter Edit Mode”, then on the panel hitting the “Position” box, where I cannot directly say to put it on the bottom, I have to first click one of the other cardinal positions (top, right, left) THEN I have the option for bottom.
I have restarted a few times and cleaned my cache with no success. What other things can I try before I end up just reinstall the whole OS?
Display settings: 5120x1440 resolution, 120 Hz. No other widgets. Using the stock dark theme.
Have you tried creating another user account to test if the issue persists there? It’s likely a configuration file you overlooked.
… Also, it will be helpful if you post at least the output of inxi -Fayz (with 3 backticks ``` or three tildes ~~~ above and below pasted text, on their own blank lines).
Thanks for posting that, it’s normally asked for on here.
I’ve another thought … have you set any custom window/dialogue positions and/or sizes in the past? I needed to clear mine out some time ago when panel popups (notifications etc.) started showing up in the wrong places and the wrong dimensions.
Might also be worth simply deleting the panel and creating a new one. That often fixes things.
It may be that clearing the .cache folder will improve things:
Use Ctrl+Alt+F3 (or substitute F3 for F4/F5/F6/F7) to login to a TTY shell
Delete (or rename) the ~/.cache directory: rm -rf ~/.cache (to delete it) mv ~/.cache ~/.cache_old (to rename it) This must not be done while logged in to the Plasma shell.
Logout from the TTY using: exit
Switch back to SDDM (login screen) Ctrl+Alt+F2
Reboot. The cache will be regenerated at next login.
Login to Manjaro.
Additionally, there may still be old/incompatible remnants of previous apps and widgets left under ~/.config/ - it may be prudent to carefully check those directories, and remove anything not needed.
I still had Latte Dock configurations remaining, which caused something similar to what you describe (context menus rendered centre screen); uninstalling the dock and removing the ~/.config/latte directory solved it for me (after a reboot).
So, update, my anecdotal observation the past day is that unchecking the “hover” “floating” option for the panel (floating was default for me) solves the jumping around issue… The other suggestions were great, but didn’t do the trick:
I tried clearing the cache, suggested by @soundofthunder, although it did regenerate the cache on next login, it still jumped to the top-left of the screen.
Tried creating a new panel, as @BG405 suggested, but it still jumped around when I left all the “default” settings (which includes the Hover for me).
Thank you for the suggestions! After switching completely away from Windows a year ago for gaming and business desktop to Manjaro, I advocate for everyone to do it. I just run the vanilla, out-of-the-box desktop experience. So, that panel issue was extremely annoying.
Sounds like OPA language from the Expanse universe.