PC Stuck at Loading Screen after login

I don’t know what there is to explain. .pacnew files are created wheen a piece of software requires a new configuration file, but the current one in use has been edited by the user. So it needs to be manually merged, so that it reflects what’s necessary.

But, and I don’t mean offense by this, if that idea goes above your head, and like you said concusses you now, it’s quite likely to happen again. And don’t feel bad, I didn’t get .pacnew files at first either, but if that’s not for you, please work through this essay: :point_down:



No reason to apologize for something when you’ve just started.

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there may be some pacnew-files to process :wink:

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As we mentioned higher up…


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Thanks @andreas85 @soundofthunder @Mirdarthos for the support you made me realise it’s ok to let go.
In fedora now and enjoy it but still with plasma though I still love plasma :grin:


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