PC doesn't turn off after updating the kernel

Hi there,

After updating the kernel to the lastest version, everytime I try to turn my computer off either by using the terminal with shutdown with/without the -f flag or any other commands such as reboot, halt or using the OS GUI the screen becomes black but nothing happens, so I have to manually press and hold the power button in order to turn the computer off.

OS specs:

 ██████████████████  ████████     OS: Manjaro 20.1.2 Mikah
 ██████████████████  ████████     Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.9.1-1-MANJARO
 ██████████████████  ████████     Uptime: 27m
 ████████            ████████     Packages: 1338
 ████████  ████████  ████████     Shell: fish 3.1.2
 ████████  ████████  ████████     Resolution: 1366x768
 ████████  ████████  ████████     DE: Xfce4
 ████████  ████████  ████████     WM: Xfwm4
 ████████  ████████  ████████     WM Theme: Matcha-sea
 ████████  ████████  ████████     GTK Theme: Adwaita-dark [GTK2]
 ████████  ████████  ████████     Icon Theme: Papirus-Dark-Maia
 ████████  ████████  ████████     Font: Noto Sans 10
 ████████  ████████  ████████     Disk: 33G / 296G (12%)
                                  CPU: Intel Core i5 M 460 @ 4x 2.534GHz
                                  GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics (ILK)
                                  RAM: 2026MiB / 5743MiB

Select your previous kernel in the advanced section of the GRUB menu and give linux59 another try with the next kernel update.

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How do I access GRUB?

When you boot up, if not keep pressing ESC button when booting.

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I wasn’t able to find GRUB when I was booting up, sadly.

Try pressing shift when booting up or do the following:

Open a terminal and type sudo nano /etc/default/grub and look for the following line GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 and change the value to 5 so now it becomes

Save and exit with ctrl+o press enter and exit with ctrl+x then type sudo update-grub

Now your GRUB menu will appear for 5 seconds when booting up.

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5.9 version works properly now :slight_smile:

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