no need to try - this is just to tell you the device name for the e2fsck
you already know that device name
it is /dev/sdb2
e2fsck -v /dev/sdb2
no need to try - this is just to tell you the device name for the e2fsck
you already know that device name
it is /dev/sdb2
e2fsck -v /dev/sdb2
Here the answer
No files or folders of this name when trying dev/sdb2. Could this be a non-existent device?
Than you so much for your patience
Please be precise.
The goal here was a file system check on the unmounted device.
Of course there are no files or folders visible - it is unmounted.
/home is therefore empty - as all the files and folders are on that device, which is no longer attached to the file system tree (unmounted)
and it is:
(the forward slash is important)
Now the message is /dev/sdb2 : clean and a number of files.
What Can i do now?
That indicates that there is no problem with the file system and a reboot should now work.
But to test your suspicion:
mount /home again - and look what is in there
mount /home
should do it, as it is in /etc/fstab
mount /dev/sdb2 /home
ls -al /home
ls -al /home/*
Don’t post the output - but you should see your user account’s directory with the first command
and all your files with the second
Yes, I had a liste of files
So: nothing is lost, all is still there - and reboot should work.
we didn’t actually do anything except to check the file system, which was clean
It’s still a mystery why
Also your password works - just not from the graphical log in screen.
Same problem after reboot. Always the same screen asking for a password.
And if i try to open with tty, the samedi message “change directory failed”
just trying here …
boot again and go to TTY
and log in as root again
then see what is mounted:
mount | grep sdb2
mount | grep home
to see whether /home
is mounted
Is it?
For the first
/dev/sdb2 on /home type ext4 (rw,noatime)
With sdb2 in red and bold
For the 2nd command same message with home in red and bold…
Who is the owner of your /home directory?
ls -al /home
It should be your user account - it should not be root or any other name.
It looks to be root
chown -R username:username /home/username
replace with your actual user name
then check the result:
ls -al /home
Sorry but before you do something stupid. Which username should I replace. 1st/2nd/3rd? And is there a space before home?
I don’t understand the question.
How many users do you have?
What is the result of:
ls -al /home
you said: “it looks to be root”
which would be clearly wrong
In the chown -R command. Is it chown - R username:“mypersonalusername”? I dont know where i need to type mybown username
exactly how I wrote it - and no space between - and R
replace every “username” with your actual user name
The command will recursively (-R
) set the owner from root (which is wrong) to your user name (which is how it should be).
Please answer the question:
It will show your user name - and current ownership.
I type chown -R username:username /home/username and the answer is allways missing operator after username
again: answer the question
you are clearly not understanding what we are trying to do.
I try to find out the situation and your user name
No change after ls as /home