Panel with no window grouping and app name

I recently reinstalled my Manjaro KDE. Now I see only open programs icon, without app name and they are grouped.
Can I return to the old style panel with no windows grouping and name of the app. With a few different windows of the same program open, it is very confusing for me. I cannot switch to the window I want.
I did try to find the settings in the setting manager and I googled it without success.
Thank you,

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Its “icon only taskbar”.
Right click over taskbar -> show alternatives -> taskbar; to select old taskbar.
And for disabing groupping , Right click over taskbar -> configure taskbar -> behavior -> change “groupping by app name” to “no groupping”.


Thank you, ddns! It almost worked.
I did see the “show alternatives” and was surprised why I didn’t try to use it. Now I know. I did try. There were three options The first one was “Icon only” the second one was what I needed. It worked, but then I was curios what is the third one. I clicked. Now all the icons, notifications, time, volume is on the left of the panel and if I Right click over taskbar I don’t have option “Show Alternatives”, only “Add Widget”, “Add Panel” and “Edit Panel”. I don’t have any icons anymore in the taskbar when I open any app.
Now I remember, This how I ended up reinstalling Manjaro (+ problems with Nvidia).
Please help me! How I return back to the second option?

The third option is “window list”?
If the answer is yes you shoulb be a icon in panel that shows running applications main window list when click on.

This is what I see when I right click on the taskbar Imagebin - Somewhere to Store Random Things
I can right click on the white icon between Firefox and Dropbox and return back to my old style taskbar - second option “Task Manager”
Thank you, again for saving me!

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