Pamac vs pacman for upgrading

That’s just habit, then. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also, don’t use that if you can help it. I recommend:

pamac upgrade --enable-downgrade --aur --devel

…because pamac is Manjaro’s own. It just takes care of more things. Yes, I know I’ll get some hate, or at least disagreeements regarding that, but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


I suggest you run Pamac before doing pacman -Syyu to see which updates are out there then you can decide from that if you want to do your updates then or wait til you have free time to deal with any possible breakage.

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Thanks. That pamac thing might be interesting. Is that the way you run for updates?

Thanks, @Locutus. Can you help me with the full syntac, like pamac --and-someting-else.
Also, I’m heading to read about pamac because I’ve never had to resort to it so far. pacman would do the job for me, and now I’m beginning to wonder about the difference between them.

It is, indeed, yes.

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pamac uses libalpm, AFAIK anyway. So that’s why both pacman and pamac works. The difference is that pamac just takes care of many things, things the might have required user intervention with pacman. But either one can do the same. Use what you’re comfortable with.

My advice, try the pamac option and use it if it works better for you. If not, feel free to use pacman again.


This works as a simple alias for major upgrades…
alias up=pamac upgrade --enable-downgrade --aur --devel`

TBH I usually do Topgrade every once in a while - fine for small updates and it’s pretty comprehensive, but if the upgrade is big, I switch to pamac.

Also, today’s Top Tip is to include this in your .bashrc or .zsh

#-------- Global Alias {{{
globalias() {
  if [[ $LBUFFER =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' ]]; then
    zle _expand_alias
    zle expand-word
  zle self-insert
zle -N globalias
bindkey " " globalias                 # space key to expand globalalias
# bindkey "^ " magic-space            # control-space to bypass completion
bindkey "^[[Z" magic-space            # shift-tab to bypass completion
bindkey -M isearch " " magic-space    # normal space during searches


After entering an alias, pressing space makes it enter the original text so you can actually remember WTF it was in the first place :wink:


I’ve also got it alias’d:

upgrade='pamac upgrade --enable-downgrade --aur --devel && kdialog --ok-label='\''OK'\'' --msgbox='\''The system has been successfully upgraded.'\'

Along with a popup. You can even make it let you know if there is an error:

upgrade='pamac upgrade --enable-downgrade --aur --devel && kdialog --ok-label='\''OK'\'' --msgbox='\''The system has been successfully upgraded.'\' || kdialog --ok-label='\''OK'\'' --msgbox='\''An error occurred while upgrading the system.'\'

Don’t need that function for that. Just run:

$ alias <aliasName>

Where <aliasName> is the alias you wish to check.

For example:

$ alias upgrade
upgrade='pamac upgrade --enable-downgrade --aur --devel && kdialog --ok-label='\''OK'\'' --msgbox='\''The system has been successfully upgraded.'\'



It’s not for checking - it’s for simply typing out the alias every time you use it…

Also it’s good for things you don’t have the mental capacity to cope with, recently some h265 stuff that wouldn’t work in Plex and I always get muddled with ffmpeg sentences.

So we have this:
Start typing…

Hit space…

Then edit if need be and bingo.

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OK, now that’s handy. I completely misunderstood you.

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Is it the same as pacman -Syu or pacman -Syyu?

fixed command mix up to avoid confusion

The same as that, I think. Only more… Manjaro’d… ya know? And yes, it’s what I use to update every time.

I mean, you use pacman or pamac?
And also, so why there is also pamac checkupdates?

I use pamac. Because it was built by Manjaro (developers) for Manjaro, and it just takes care of more things than pacman.

From the man page:

Safely check for updates without modifiying the databases

That’s brilliant. Thanks for sharing!

I use an upgrade alias I stumbled upon on archlinux’s forum a while ago:

alias up='sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=50M && sudo paccache -ruk0 && sudo pamac upgrade && pip install --upgrade pip && tail -n20 /var/log/pacman.log && echo "Last 10 warnings:" && grep warning /var/log/pacman.log | tail -n10  && echo "Last 10 errors:" && grep Error /var/log/pacman.log | tail -n10 && python --version && echo "PythonPATH: $PYTHONPATH" && ls -d /usr/lib/python*'`

Ahh, I keep forgetting there is a man menu. I’m new in Manjaro, I was always using Fedora so you know how it is heh

But man pages are in every distro, not just Manjaro…


There’s so many Linux users (including me) that just use guis for everything so forget about the man command

The same as that, I think.

I checked pamac upgrade --enable-downgrade --aur --devel and pacman -Syyu and I think it’s not the same sadly. :sweat_smile:

P.S. Okey, no matter. I just had to --force-refresh it and it works lol. Sorry.

No, it is not. The pacman command doesn’t include AUR (for good reason).

Although this is already an old
post, I’ll explain my update procedure here.

  • i always separate official repos from AUR, Git and other “third party stuff”.
    If kernels, xorg, nvidia…are in there, I reboot before taking care of AUR etc.
    Nothing against pamac, yay, trizen and whatever, but this is my biggest objection to such methods.
    Also, manjaro-stable users in particular should look at each AUR package beforehand to see if it even runs with manjaro-stable.
    You should go to the AUR page and see if the package versions are compatible.
    And to be honest, people relying on 30 and more AUR/Git packages should consider changing the distribution.

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