Pamac update > Conflicting dependencies with weird names?

> $ sudo pamac update
> Preparing...
> Synchronizing package databases...
> Resolving dependencies...
> Checking inter-conflicts...
> Error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
> Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
> conflicting dependencies:
> - x!9t and a
>             Ch[3 are in conflict

Now my question is,are these packages? Something got really weird here.
How can I debug this?

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Firstly, don’t use sudo with pamac. It’ll ask for authentication when required.

Secondly, I’ve seen similar things since the last update. I don’t know what can bee the cause, but a possible workaround in that case is using pacman instead of pamac, so try that and see:

sudo pacman -Syu

Hope this helps!


… well, basically anything unless you really need to.

With Gnome, this is more of a habit… with Plasma it’s much less needed and with pamac also.

Polkit will call for authentication when required.

Would it be worth clearing Pamac?

sudo paccache -rvk0


I doubt it, but I might be wrong. Can’t do harm though…

I have seen this weird output being reported as well.

should give you a clear and readable output,
likely stating towards the end a conflict between tlp and power-profile-daemon (or something like that)
You have to uninstall one or the other to resolve the conflict.


Issue might be caused by unnecessary use of sudo

Using the Pamac CLI - Manjaro Wiki


Using sudo with pamac can have undesirable effects, especially when building packages. if in doubt, don’t use sudo. Pamac will ask for escalated rights if needed.

pamac clean might be better for cleaning pamac cache

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True. Although I’ve seen similar without the unnecessary sudo.

nope. bug in libpamac.


Please open a terminal and do this:

sudo pacman -Syu libpamac


Did this and already did pamac clean before.

…now finally downloading 6.3 Gb :wink:


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