Pamac not updated with Extra repo

Hello everyone
I’m new on Manjaro. I would like migrate from Mint because packages are not updated quickly.
I’m amateur photographer, I’m using darktable, digikam, …

From Manjaro website package repo I can see the latest darktable version (from extra)

But from pamac GUI and console only an old version is available. I tried to refresh but nothing.

I believe is a stupid question: how can I install updated package from pamac ?

Thank in advance
Sorry for my poor English.

Hi @RicD, and welcome!

Are you fully up-to-date? Please provide the output of:

cat /etc/pacman.conf

You can see here which is the latest available version (flatpacks, snaps, aur, appimage excluded).
Note that there a different “stability levels”, by default you are in stable, as a new user i do not recommend moving to smth else. Currently does not matter, since in the 3 repositories the version is the same.

The next thing will be to be sure that your mirror is updated. Just type in a terminal


You should see a green ok on the first line. If not you can select other mirrors (the fastest/nearest to you)

pacman-mirrors -f 5

Than try to update normally, for example with add remove programs aka pamac. If not you can force refresh of cache etc. But my guess on a new install are mirrors not refreshed. If not you can force the things a little with

sudo pacman -Syyu

But close the add remove programs first and do not do this on a regular basis.

As a last resort if the update with sudo pacman is good, but the GUI pamac is still showing something inadequate we can force it too to refresh

pamac upgrade  --force-refresh
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As soon as I can I’ll send what requested.
I’ll also try your checks.

Thanks for your quick help !

Hello, I’ve just install Manjaro on a phisical PC and It works. Repositories are updated and I can download from extra the recent darktable version.
MY first test has been done with a virtual machine; maybe due to a wrong network configuration pamac was not able to update, but I’m not sure.
Sorry form my mistake.
Your suggestions are useful.