Pamac keeps reinstalling packages

Something has been bugging me as of recent since the new release of pamac in version 10.0.4-2. For some unknown reason, whenever I want to install a new package for something from the AUR, pacmac seems to have the need to keep reinstalling base packages and kernel images, and I don’t know why.

Reinstalling python-npyscreen (4.10.5-5)...
Reinstalling python-requests (2.25.1-1)...
Reinstalling pacman-mirrors (4.19.1-1)...
Reinstalling pacman (5.2.2-3)...
Reinstalling libdca (0.0.7-1)...
Reinstalling groff (1.22.4-3)...
Reinstalling libxrandr (1.5.2-3)...
Reinstalling lua52 (5.2.4-5)...
Reinstalling a52dec (0.7.4-11)...
Reinstalling libuv (1.40.0-1)...
Reinstalling gettext (0.21-1)...
Reinstalling libxpm (3.5.13-2)...
Reinstalling jsoncpp (1.9.4-1)...
Reinstalling cmake (3.19.2-1)...
Reinstalling flex (2.6.4-3)...
Reinstalling qt5-x11extras (5.15.2-1)...
Reinstalling libxinerama (1.1.4-3)...
Reinstalling faad2 (2.10.0-1)...
Reinstalling patch (2.7.6-8)...
Reinstalling libdvbpsi (1:1.3.3-2)...
Reinstalling libmad (0.15.1b-9)...
Reinstalling vlc (
Reinstalling sudo (1.9.4.p2-2)...
Reinstalling bison (3.7.2-1)...
Reinstalling nss (3.60-1)...
Running post-transaction hooks...

These packages haven’t even been selected for reinstall, or upgrade, but it keeps needing to try reinstall them when they’re fine and already exist in the system. This strange new behaviour only happened after being pamac in a more recent update, it never did this prior, and it makes installing the most simple basic of packages longer than they really should. How do I prevent this new behaviour of reinstalling packages that haven’t been selected? It should only be installing what I selected, or what only appears in the Updates tab if I select Update.

From the preferences menu for AUR I’ve only got Check for updates selected, and I’ve cleared the /tmp caches.

Can’t reproduce. Did you reboot your system?

I’ve rebooted, but everytime when I go to install something it keeps wanting to reinstall same packages.