Pamac-gtk does not match Xfce theme

pamac-gtk does not match xfce Theme

could help


I am concerned with the differences of gkt3 and gtk4 application in appearance.
I mean the Design is gnome-based, does it look like this on kde as well?
pamac-gtk3 is fine.

I confirm the appearance difference. In addition, the search function no longer works.

This was resolved by retaining both pamac-cli and pamac-gtk version (10.5.1-2)

You can simply switch to pamac-gtk3


I dont understand…

pamac-gtk is gtk4 … xfce only adopted gtk3 in 2020 (gtk3 was released in 2011)…
XFCE has no way to handle gtk4 and probably wont for some time.

pamac-gtk is also new …

If you want to keep the classic, works with your theme, has seen multiple releases, etc etc … then just use pamac-gtk3 … the new one isnt even really considered ‘done’ as far as I can tell.
(that goes for you too @SUMware)


What theme? pamac-gtk uses Libadwaita and Gtk 4 while pamac-gtk3 uses Libhandy and Gtk 3. Neither Adapta nor Matcha support Libadwaita / Gtk 4.

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Once installed it will use the libadvaita style and color-scheme and will ignore the changes in System Settings > Appearance. It can be done to follow the KDE style and color scheme by doing one of this things discussed here for other GTK4 applications:

You will still get this Adwaita warning if you run: GTK_THEME=Breeze pamac-manager

Using GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme with libadwaita is unsupported. Please use AdwStyleManager:color-scheme instead.

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