Pamac fails without much explanation

When i try to update or use any other command in pamac it gives me this error:

$ pamac update


==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as: osman
Synchronizing package databases...
Cloning ckbcomp build files...
Generating ckbcomp information...
Checking ckbcomp dependencies...
Cloning visual-studio-code-bin build files...
Generating visual-studio-code-bin information...
Checking visual-studio-code-bin dependencies...
Cloning game-devices-udev build files...
Generating game-devices-udev information...
Checking game-devices-udev dependencies...
Cloning google-chrome build files...
Generating google-chrome information...
Checking google-chrome dependencies...
Cloning v86d build files...
Generating v86d information...
Checking v86d dependencies...
Cloning timeshift build files...
Generating timeshift information...
Checking timeshift dependencies...
Checking python-help2man dependencies...
Checking help2man-git dependencies...
Checking meson-git dependencies...
Checking vala-git dependencies...
.... (thousands of lines of checking dependencies)
Checking r-sys dependencies...
Warning: ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k: local (20230403-2) is newer than pamac_aur (2.3.3-1)
Error: Failed to prepare transaction: invalid or corrupted database

Edit build files : [e]
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N]

Transaction cancelled.

After i enter my password, It asks for e/y/N. I said yes no edit, made no difference. :frowning:

I tried almost all pacman related commands in these forums but they didnt work. I dont even know what exactly is wrong here. :sweat_smile:

Any help or demand for additional info would be appreciated

pretty sure your still affected from the last mess of update that had some issues with pamac.
first run this

sudo pacman-mirrors -f 5 && sudo pacman -Scc && sudo pacman -Syu

afterwards run

pamac update --force-refresh --aur

please report


Why do you recommend this? There shouldn’t be any cached packages for pacman when pamac fails, right?

$ pamac update
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as: osman
Synchronizing package databases...
Warning: ckbcomp: local (1.221-1) is newer than extra (1.215-1)
Warning: game-devices-udev: local (0.22-0.2) is newer than extra (0.21-1)
Warning: timeshift: local (23.07.1-1) is newer than extra (23.06.2-1)
Warning: v86d: local (0.1.10-12) is newer than extra (0.1.10-6)
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.

Thank you so much. I was able to update my system but running pamac update still gives this warning. Would this be a trouble next time, i dont know.

you run ?

pamac update --force-refresh --aur

if so please run

pamac update -a

and report

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$ pamac update --force-refresh --aur
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as: osman
Synchronizing package databases...
Refreshing core.db...
Refreshing extra.db...
Refreshing community.db...
Refreshing multilib.db...
Database file for core does not exist.
Database file for extra does not exist.
Database file for community does not exist.
Database file for multilib does not exist.
Refreshing core.files...
Refreshing extra.files...
Refreshing community.files...
Refreshing multilib.files...
Refreshing AUR...
Warning: ckbcomp: local (1.221-1) is newer than extra (1.215-1)
Warning: game-devices-udev: local (0.22-0.2) is newer than extra (0.21-1)
Warning: timeshift: local (23.07.1-1) is newer than extra (23.06.2-1)
Warning: v86d: local (0.1.10-12) is newer than extra (0.1.10-6)
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.


$ pamac update -a
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as: osman
Synchronizing package databases...
Warning: ckbcomp: local (1.221-1) is newer than extra (1.215-1)
Warning: game-devices-udev: local (0.22-0.2) is newer than extra (0.21-1)
Warning: timeshift: local (23.07.1-1) is newer than extra (23.06.2-1)
Warning: v86d: local (0.1.10-12) is newer than extra (0.1.10-6)
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.

Hope this helps.

well, it’s up to date now.

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If you want to get rid of the warnings, pamac update --force-refresh --enable-downgrade

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Apart from these warnings, I can use pamac now, so I am going to accept your reply as an answer.

Thank you, I will do that.

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