Pamac fails with error when trying to update anything

running pamac update from commandline provides the following
pamac update

Synchronizing package databases...
cp: preserving times for '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted     
Refreshing AUR...                                                               
901.1 kB/10.7 MB                                                                
Cloning drawio-desktop-git build files...                                       
Generating drawio-desktop-git information...
Checking drawio-desktop-git dependencies...
Checking krunner5 dependencies...
Cloning electron25 build files...
Generating electron25 information...
Checking electron25 dependencies...
Cloning python-mock build files...
Generating python-mock information...
Checking python-mock dependencies...
cp: preserving times for '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...
Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:
- removing baloo5 breaks dependency 'baloo5' required by peruse

Edit build files : [e] 
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N] n

Transaction cancelled.

What is baloo5, why is it causing problems and how to I move beyond it?

This started after the lastest system update. Pacman is throwing a similar error but I can ignore it and install the updates by saying “no” to replacing baloo5

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Why did you, at some point, install “peruse”?

remove it
and install it again after the update - if you still need it

So we are in unsupported territory.

All of these are AUR packages.
Not from the repositories.
Are you sure you need them?

I dont know much about pamac … but maybe you have the AUR disabled?
Otherwise I suppose there is something wrong with permissions or similar.

It was the file indexer and search … for plasma5.

It is no longer part of KDE and should be removed … as with any other part of plasma5 that you are not explicitly reliant on.

You might be able to get a good chunk by doing something like

sudo pacman -Ru kf5

You have peruse, a comicbook reader for plasam5, which relies on it.
Remove that package and you can continue.

I have also notified the maintainers of this problem with the peruse package here:

Thank you all for the input… I’ve uninstalled all of the offending apps…
wrt to installing non-AUR packages with pamac SNAPs are universally broken for me. The font issue is unsolved as I understand it as cache clearing as detailed here Snap apps missing fonts - #5 by ibrahem does no good and so far I’ve found no additional suggestions for solving the problem of snaps with bad fonts.
thank you all for your input.

I really wouldnt suggest SNAPs in general.

And if you already tried clearing the fontcache as shown in the guide and/or archwiki then I dont really have other advice.

But maybe try your luck with opening a new thread detailing the issue.

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