Pamac crash Error flushing display: Broken pipe

Once in a while when I got a package update and launch the update pamac crashes few seconds after I push the apply button. It returns the following:
Gdk-Message: 10:44:20.416: Error flushing display: Broken pipe

Usually ity happens 2 to 4 times ina row then it works again

I’m using the GTK4 version of pamac-manager (the GTK3 does the same). I’m runing KDE Plasma 6.0.5 with wayland.

Does anybody know what this could be?

This thing keeps happening. Would it be possible to move this topic to the development section? or should open a new topic there?

Does the CLI have the same behaviour with pamac update?

Please see

No pamac always works fine

This is not the same error: the process shutdowns immediately when the error occurs.