OS won't boot after changing from Hybrid to NVIDIA GPU (Not urgent)

Hello my fellow penguins, this isn’t really a problem I’m just looking for an explanation for this.

I was trying to make all my games use NVIDIA since they crash after a few minutes of playing, especially for flatpak apps like Sober. I did this by switching from hybrid nvidia-intel to nvidia driver. Surprisingly it worked and my games ran fast and didn’t crash.

After I rebooted my laptop, I was greeted by a black screen. After looking at other forums I tried:

Reinstalling video-linux, Reinstalling mesa-drivers. I then got the idea to just switch back to the hybrid drivers and everything just worked again. I have no idea how this works but I just want to use my NVIDIA GPU without having to use prime-run on all my apps. (Optimus manager doesn’t work for some reason).

if I can get an explanation for this, I would really appreciate it. Thanks

You have a hybrid system with an embedded iGPU.

You cannot use the nvidia drivers as-is.

Some lucky people have BIOS options to disable one or the other … and if you do then you can use the driver that way.

It also sounds like you dont fully grasp how PRIME works. In which case I implore you to explore … rarely are these switcher programs needed.

But if you absolutely must have a ‘switcher’ utility then use envy-control.

Because its trash.

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I’ll try this out, thanks

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