NTFS - NTFS file transfer across partitions - resulting in different file numbers and file size

Yes, I experienced it - sometimes it has few mins of delay in updating.
But in my scenario, I have closed and re-opened Dolphin, and the 1st report (before FreeFileSync’s 8+ hr check) and the report (after 8+ hr check) remained the same.

When the Journaling is disabled on a partition, the “journaling disabled” info is stored on the filesystem, and not OS, right?
So, when I mount the partition on another OS, the partition would still be “journaling disabled”?

And after journaling is disabled, what features/advantages can ext4 still offer?

Well, it depends. One can mount a journaled filesystem with the journal disabled, and then it won’t get updated for as long as it’s mounted. But if you then remount it and the mount options do not specify that the journal must be disabled, it’ll be enabled again.

On the other hand, I think it’s also possible — at least, on ext4 — to disable the journal at the filesystem level by way of tune2fs. See the man page. :arrow_down:

man tune2fs

But that all said, NTFS is a proprietary beast, and it keeps on moving the goalposts all the time, so I have no idea what it does. :man_shrugging:

Support for UNIX/POSIX file ownership and permissions, high throughput, and extent-based storage via hashed trees.

please install the package “fuse-exfat”

File system exFAT NTFS
Stores file owner No Yes
POSIX file permissions No Yes
Creation timestamps Yes Yes
Last access/ read timestamps Yes Yes
Last metadata change timestamps No Yes
Last archive timestamps No No
Access control lists No Yes
Security/ MAC labels No Yes
Extended attributes/ Alternate data streams/ forks No Yes
Metadata checksum/ ECC No No
Hard links No Yes
Symbolic links No Yes
Block journaling No No
Metadata-only journaling Partial (with TexFAT only) Yes
Case-sensitive No Yes
Case-preserving Yes Yes
File Change Log No Yes
XIP No ?
Resident files (inline data) No Yes (approximately 700 bytes)
Internal snapshotting / branching No No
Encryption No Yes
Deduplication No Yes
Data checksum/ ECC No No
Persistent Cache No No
Multiple Devices No No
Compression No Yes
Self-healing[ca] No No
Host OS misc. Windows
Offline grow No Yes
Online grow No Yes
Offline shrink No Yes
Online shrink No Yes
Add and remove physical volumes No No
Sparse files No Yes
Block suballocation No Partial
Tail packing No No
Extents Partial (only if the file fits into one contiguous block range) Yes
Variable file block size[cj] No No
Allocate-on-flush No No
Copy on write No ?
Trim support Yes (Linux) Yes (NT 6.1+; Linux)

So, the best way would be:

  1. format a partition to ext4.
  2. disable journaling using the command #tune4fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sda2
  3. mount.

Since the journaling is disabled when freshly formatted, theoretically the 5% space reserved for journaling should be fully recovered?

tune4fs is not a mount option, right?
So how do I disable journaling in mount option?

NTFS does not store the owner by default, nor does it support POSIX permissions out-of-the-box, because Microsoft Windows is not a POSIX system. Windows relies on ACLs instead.

NTFS does not support those out-of-the-box

NTFS is not case-sensitive out-of-the-box. Windows would break if that were the case.

NTFS does not support copy-on-write.

I strongly advise against disabling the journal. You’d be asking for trouble.

It’s tune2fs, and it’s a command-line utility. :arrow_down:

man tune2fs

On ext3/ext4? Turns out I was wrong about that. There is indeed a mount option for disabling the journal on NTFS, but on ext4 you have to set it in the filesystem itself with tune2fs.

The table was compiled from Wikipedia.
It might be good if someone highlight their mistakes.

So there is no mount option needed to disable journaling?
Just tune2fs is sufficient?

I’m pretty torn here.

I’m using ntfs for storage of media, cuz ntfs would allow me to use most of the storage size.
But many people advised against ntfs.

In comparison, if I use ext4, I would need to sacrifice 1TB of space per 20TB HDD, for journaling.

And then I was told that journaling could be disabled.
I understand where you coming from, but ext4 with journaling enabled is definitely a “no go” to me.

Thus, I’m left with 2 options:
ext4 with journaling disabled vs ntfs.

What would be better choice?
ext4 with journaling disabled?

installed ? please post the output of

pacman -Qi fuse-exfat

Haha, no, forget about that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Been there, tried that. Wikipedia is unfortunately governed by self-righteous committees with agendas. :wink:

Yes. tune2fs sets the options in the on-disk filesystem itself.

You may include me among those people. NTFS is a horrible filesystem, and it’s not native to GNU/Linux.

Then I stand by my point, which is that you’re asking for trouble by disabling journaling, and especially on a filesystem that large and with that many files on it.

But hey, it’s your computer. I wash my hands in innocence. :man_shrugging:

Which is better, jumping off a cliff or jumping in front of a speeding train? :man_shrugging:


It is command… see:

It is disabled on file system level, so no mount option needed. And of course do this offline (unmounted).

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