NTFS Drive Compatibility

Hey there all, Soon to be new Manjaro user here,

So my question is will Manjaro find my D & E drives OK even though they were created under Windows ? 1 is an 8tb HDD and the other is a 2tb HDD, they contain all my documents etc as I never keep documents on the C Drive.

Cheers and thanks in Advance…

Linux will ‘see’ other media or drives it has access to.
Whether those will be readable, writable, or both, will depend on their format and encryption status.

For the most part linux supports most filesystems already, or can be made to with extra software.
(certain apple formats may require packages, but fat32 or ntfs are supported by default)

For some idea you can consult the following chart (second column):

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Cool, thanks, I didn’t know that fat and NTFS were a common format, cheers

It will not mount the drives automatically right out of the box. You will see them in the explorer, but you will have to click and type your password to access them.
There are 3 major points regarding the use of the windows drives, that require some manual intervention:

  • not typing the password every time (polkit)
  • mounting automatically (fstab)
  • there are 2 drivers for ntfs and some people report problems with the default one. (ntfs-3g)

There is solution for everything and it is in the forum, but i am not sure this is absolute beginner level. Manjaro is also generally not suitable for first try on linux for someone never touched linux.

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I am not trying to be negative here, but you may want to give this excellent tutorial a read:

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If it is just for READ ONLY it would be OK.

I do not recommend to allow writing on your NTFS disk though, it is a recipe for later disaster as there WILL be a bug at some point and you’ll mess up the file system.

If you need something to work on both Windows and Linux, other partition type may be better to avoid crashing your Windows NTFS partitions

Extra notes;
They still shouldnt be used for your linux filesystems.
Besides permissions, Linux expects case sensitivity which those do not provide.
I have been using ext4 for most things for years and it may be considered ‘standard’.
Some folks like novel filesystems like btrfs for the extra functionality the provide (backups for btrfs).

I had included the previous chart due to it cross-examining multiple OSs.

But here is the Archwiki entry on filesystems which will be much more informative on the subject of filesystems used with linux.
