Ntfs disk doesn't mount

When I attach disk with Sata3 cable system requires password to access it. It didn’t use to require password.

As I keep some temporary files there I don’t want to add it to fstab.

I have ntfs-3g installed.

I found this in similar topic but it doesn’t work for me.

sudo pacman -S ntfs-3g
sudo bash -c 'echo "blacklist ntfs3" > /etc/modprobe.d/disable-ntfs3.conf'

It is ntfs disk but without any windows system. It is just a storage for keeping and sharing files.

At the same time I can access ntfs USB drive without password.

I have kio-fuse and fuse-common installed.

What else can I check?

I found this video:
How to fix mounting NTFS drives asking for root password in Linux

but it removes password requirement when I use Pamac. So I think it maybe not good solution from security point of view.

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