No updates for a rpi4 install for several months


I suspect I may have broken my manjaro rpi4 install, as I have not received any meaningful updates for like 6 months. Just ran updates with

pacman -Syyu

but all that was updated was inxi (just like the last couple of times).

Uptime is 169 days and kernel is
Linux rpii 6.6.31-1-MANJARO-RPI4 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 20 16:28:55 UTC 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux

How to check if my updates are actually up to date? How to see the latest actually installed updates?

Or should I just reboot and something will magically fix itself? How to check if reboot is needed after updates?

can you refresh first mirrors ?

sudo pacman-mirrors -c all
sudo pacman -Syu

Did that, it listed a bunch of mirrors. After trying to update, it says there is nothing to do.

there is some update in testing & unstable Arm
see links : ARM - Manjaro Linux Forum

may be ask why there is no more Stable Arm version

I’ve moved this into the arm area.

Please use the recommended pacman command to perform an update:

sudo pacman -Syu

Notice that only one (1) Y is required. :eyes:


I know that Moderators have corrected you about this before today… did you forget? :slight_smile:

There is nothing wrong with your system. The stable branch has not been updated since forever and I have no clue why. Even before your present kernel build date as I did a rebuild for the pi5 I believe.

If you want newer packages move to the testing or unstable branch. The unstable branch has the pi4 kernel at v6.6.63.